
Songtext Hard for you Tyga


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Der musikalische text HARD FOR YOU von TYGA ist auch in dem Album vorhanden The gold album: 18th dynasty (2015)

The gold album: 18th dynasty


Hard for you

You know it's only good pussy that I'm used to
Now this good dick only thing you used to
Anything less couldn't hear her with a bluetooth
Laced up, tongue out, stuntin', actin' brand new
They ain't even know you was steppin' in Giuseppe too
37 spare bright jeans 'bout 12 jewels
Posin' like a mannequin, bag, matching manicure
Two ill shawites in the van, she heaven sent
Ever since you was little had a silver spoon
How they make it hard for you shoulda made a song for you
And the world is your stage, turn on the lights for you
Lighting up one in the crowd I be rootin' for you
If it don't go well, well I'm still rootin' for you
Lean on me if you need help, I'm a tutor to you
Put me in the cell, hit a nigga when you ready to
Better when its late night I'mma just drive through

I know its hard for you
Do it too well, I don't wanna see you fail
They just try and make it hard for you
I know its hard for you
Even though you a star to ?em
Everybody need love just pick up the phone and imma come through
And make it hard for you

And you know the summer's mine, fuck with a winner
Had to show you shit they ain't really wanna show you
Imma put you on game, run game on these other bitches
Told her never show no love for a bitch nigga
Keep it all business if you fuckin' with em
Never let your guard down even when the stars ?round
Get a lover baby if you in it for the long haul
If you pacing I can show your ass how to last long
I don't wanna see you up in every video
Every year all star cities I go
If there's money to be made I can understand
But don't fuck up your brand for a grand, you understand?
Somewhere in Miami gettin' all tan
With a flock of all tens, talkin' bout who they fuckin'
Ducks swim together baby just remember that
You got too much potential to lose so get rid of that

I know it's hard for you
You do it too well, I don't wanna see you fail
They just try and make it hard for you
Well me, I just fall for you
Even though I'm a star to you
Everybody need love just pick up the phone and I'll come through
And make it hard for you

Spendin' all your time on the internet
Checkin up your wish list, things that you wanna get
Make a nigga pay for it, they ain't gotta wait for it
They just wanna fly you out, maybe bring a friend for ?em
I can tell you over that, been through hell and back
Fuckin' with the wrong one, you ain't try to double back
Time to find some love for that, lay up and cuddle that
In the club gettin' on, rather chill in bubble bath, parlayin'
And i know i ain't saying much
But you gotta learn to give trust
Even when it's no trust, you gotta find some
Being young on your own it's like the world against ya
I can bet I could preach that
Appreciate what I do for that
It's more what I came from if you cater back
Lemme guide you, get inside you, style you
Is what I'm getting at

It's hard for you
It's too easy if it's all for you
Anything that can ball for you
Don't wanna make it hard for you
When the sun rise, you be right there
Still shining like a star to ?em
Everybody need love just pick up the phone, I'll come through
And make it hard for you

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