The Avett Brothers

Songtext Same broken bones The Avett Brothers


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Same broken bones

Somebody's waiting for me
There's an answer that I have been chasing
Always a change in my hometown to see
I'm running so fast
Who am I racing?

There's always something to do
But it don't fill the holes that it promises to
Now everything starts to move on its own
Carrying me too far away

Somebody's calling my phone
Begging for me to come home
Every town has the same broken bones
And loneliness

Does there have to be silence
To hear the truth?
I don't know that I'll find it
But I may know where to look

I am awake in the dark
Alone at the kitchen table
Taking the time to feel time passing by
Perfectly still
Perfectly here
Now everything starts to move
As if by some common magic
Shadows and sparrows and the very sky
Moving my heart
Standing me up

Someone is waiting for me
Somewhere apart from the part I can see
He never visits except in my dreams
Just out of reach
Gone but still close

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The Avett Brothers is a folk-rock band from Concord, North Carolina. The band is made up of two brothers, Scott Avett and Seth Avett, who play the banjo and guitar respectively, and Bob Crawford who plays the stand-up bass. They are often joined on tour by cellist Joe Kwon. Risen from the ashes of Seth and Scott's former rock band Nemo, the Avett Brothers combine bluegrass, country, punk, pop melodies, folk, rock and roll, honky tonk, and ragtime to produce a sound described by the San Francisco Chronicle as having the "heavy sadness of Townes Van Zandt, the light pop concision of Buddy Holly, the tuneful jangle of the Beatles, the raw energy of the Ramones."

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