
Songtext Safe to say Aitch


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Der musikalische text SAFE TO SAY von AITCH ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Polaris (2020)



Safe to say

Woah Kenny!

So many shows last year man mash bare work now they can't afford me (Can't afford me)
Young and rich but the engines big said they won't insure me (Vroom)
The lady at Audi told me?it's?way'too much go'to something smaller
I'said nah it's a myth I'm tryna make the estate know when I cut that corner
Get love on the streets cos I stay doing me when I duppy your beat
Flick on a riddim and put it to sleep and I stay in my zone when I'm cooking the heat
Struggle for you but it's nuttin to me, used to run for the bus now I run to the P
Coming from nothing it's lovely to see, so when man wanna envy it's cutting me deep

Today I ain't move one muscle I just made 60 racks in my sleep
That's more than your ex's yearly wage, I got his monthly wage in my jeans
Safe to say I get paid but I just can't say the same for these neeks
Still no chain on my neck G I just bill paper planes and make P's

Talking shit can't step in the Warzone when I just spent your advance on my wardrobe
Getting grown on your phone tryna talk loads but if it's road best watch for your jawbone
Got a 3.5 on a [?] riding my wave get lost in my thoughts though
Kinda mad back then I just saw Notes now my accountant send him a sort code
Bro cut fresh off the lot no test drive dodging the X5 makin the pebs fly
True say you gotta get bread so I told him take time and get your head right
He said bro I'm just tryna get by, still on the ends your living your best life
Only right that I give him a cheque can't see bro stressed or end up a dead guy
UFO came from Mars with a pack of smokes got the spaceship hotboxed
All these pounds in the whip man bill up a spliff then pipe me a opp thot
Never bang one mash in my life but I'll bang man out no doubt if it pops off
And set man do pop smoke so if war is war then the show gets locked off

Today I ain't move one muscle I just made 60 racks in my sleep
That's more than your ex's yearly wage, I got his monthly wage in my jeans
Safe to say I get paid but I just can't say the same for these neeks
Still no chain on my neck G I just bill paper planes and make P's

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