
Songtext 30 Aitch


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Der musikalische text 30 von AITCH ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Polaris (2020)




Riding round with like thirty racks, this ain't dirty cash in the whip (Whip)
T-T-Thirty cash, it's legit
Got thirty racks on my wrist
Want a verse from man? Want a discount? That's like- Yo

Jump in a 4.5 and fill it up, pull up, hop out and bill it up (Skrrt)
Boy try test but the prick weren't big enough, man won't dip him, I'll dig him up
Man throw shade ‘cause they just ain't sick as us, man won't diss ‘em, I'll big 'em up (Ahh)
All the hate in the air, it's killin’ us, pissed ‘cause they can't get rid of us
Two twin pipes at the rear of the whip, hear it when I'm steerin’ the bitch (Skrrt, skrrt)
Four shots down, gone ’til next year and a bit, them man can't come near to the kid
Oi, listen up, hear what it is, it’s a myth, I ain't hearin’ your shit (No)
Jump on a jet ‘cause my head needs clearin’ a bit, no work, I'm here for the trip (Bitch)
Suttin’ smelly in the Virgil pouch, fuck the fed, it's a personal ounce
Too much loud, how you tellin’ me to turn it down? When your gyal wan' turn it round? (Ow)
Oh, you’re hurting now? ‘Cause your bridge with your bitch is burning down (Wow)
I come skrrting round with a big bag of L’s, let me serve ‘em out (Out)

Riding round with like thirty racks, this ain't dirty cash in the whip
Riding round with like thirty racks, this ain't dirty 30 cash, it's legit
P-Pay the price, ain't no turning back, I got thirty racks on my wrist (Glee)
Want a verse from man? Want a discount? That's like thirty racks ‘cause’ I'm lit (Lit)

R-Rip it to bits, listen, I'm sick of this shit (Bang)
Whip out the clip of the stick, if I fill it with lyrics, I'm splittin’ your wig
Wicked and big in the bitch, trippin’ if you think you're spinnin’ the kid (No way)
Got all of your missus' lickin’ their lips, just look at the flick of the wrist
Truth be told, I'm through with hoes, no more movin’ loose when there's cooch involved (Skrrt)
Got no time to lose, bill a zoot and roll, step out the black coup with a cutie though (Ahh)
New you, but the news is old, I step through, one flow, s-super cold
3-2-1, pic, quick, move and go, fuck big drip bro, I'm super soaked (Splash)
Stay lit but we're makin’ poles, got my business right and my mind in place (Huh?)
Made all my moves and stayed in my zone, now tell me, who got the shine like Aitch?

My cards got dealt and I played ‘em right
I was barring day 'til night (Ahh)
Puttin’ in work with the cake in mind
If I didn't have man, I’d be makin’ time

Riding round with like thirty racks, this ain't dirty cash in the whip
Riding round with like thirty racks, this ain't dirty cash, it's legit
P-Pay the price, ain't no turning back, I got thirty racks on my wrist (Glee)
Want a verse from man? Want a discount? That's like thirty racks ‘cause’ I'm lit (Lit)

Boom (Waa)

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