G Herbo

Songtext Run it up G Herbo


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Der musikalische text RUN IT UP von G HERBO ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Strictly 4 my fans (2016)

Strictly 4 my fans


Run it up

Ay, ay, run it up
Nigga run it up
Yeah, run it up

Told myself, "G Herbo fuck these bitches run it up"
Ain't no woman on me, told my niggas run it up
If my mama told me one thing, that's to run it up
I ran it up, now all these bad bitches just wanna fuck
Money calling like la-la-la-la-la-la-la
Big old houses and three car garage, pull off, ha-ha-ha
Keep the hammers out in traffic, boy I hopped out, bla-bla-bla
I am not with that rapping boy, I be capping boy

Big G Herbo, you know I'm not with that rapping boy
Don't do rap beats, keep my strap on cap, I'm clapping boy
Know No Limits, Dream Team 150, we make lots of noise
M16 totes, 50 shots, yeah we got lots of toys
Soon as I ran up that check bitch I bought choppers and cocaine
Soon as you ran up that check, you bought Givenchy and Balmain
These lil niggas is silly
They don't really hate me, they ain't tryna run up on mili
I was broke than many, I ain't had a penny, they ask do I miss it, not really
Now it's 200k when I come back from states, bout to link up with (?) and Philly
I might dash out the 'Rari or might pull up passenger seat in that new Wraith with Bibby
I'm not fucking around, had to get on my grizzy, and now I'm on top, never (?)
And No Limit I trust, for No Limit I bust, nobody fucking with us
Told my niggas run it up

Told myself, "G Herbo fuck these bitches run it up"
Ain't no woman on me, told my niggas run it up
If my mama told me one thing, that's to run it up
I ran it up, now all these bad bitches just wanna fuck
Money calling like la-la-la-la-la-la-la
Big old houses and three car garage, pull off, ha-ha-ha
Keep the hammers out in traffic, boy I hopped out, bla-bla-bla
I am not with that rapping boy, I be capping boy

Since before I ran it up I'm with the same niggas
Mama told me, stay from out there with them gang members
Foe nem posted, serving heights, smoking tote pipes, shooting dice
Fucking hoes, hitting blocks, tryna pull on the ops, every day shit, it's the life
I got day one niggas fresh out the prison, some of them niggas got life
Niggas play with them pistols, they come to court snitching, I swear these fuck niggas ain't right
And I don't fuck with police, I keep my shit on me cause I can't get left at the light
See them lights and pull over, no go, I'ma smoke 'em cause they don't read niggas, they write
Used to go sleep at night with like 4 sheets at night, we ain't had no heat at night
Now I can see at night, go spend 10 Gs a night, spend 10k on (?)
Used to sip on that drank, till no more I couldn't take, wake up and I pour least an 8
And I save me some cake but it don't really matter, I'm gon' run it up either way

Told myself, "G Herbo fuck these bitches run it up"
Ain't no woman on me, told my niggas run it up
If my mama told me one thing, that's to run it up
I ran it up, now all these bad bitches just wanna fuck
Money calling like la-la-la-la-la-la-la
Big old houses and three car garage, pull off, ha-ha-ha
Keep the hammers out in traffic, boy I hopped out, bla-bla-bla
I am not with that rapping boy, I be capping boy

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