G Herbo

Songtext Control G Herbo


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Der musikalische text CONTROL von G HERBO ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Strictly 4 my fans (2016)

Strictly 4 my fans



Hello, whats up, I'm in the studio. No, hell no, no, no I don't got nothing, I'ma call you back, I'ma call you back man, I'ma call you back when I leave the studio

She want shopping sprees
Oh, she want designer jeans
Oh, she want a wedding ring
Oh, she bringing anything
She can get me anything
She want control of me
Oh, she want a hold on me
Oh, she want my soul from me
She tryna fuck my mind but I don't have no time

She a scorpio
Oh, she like that devil though
Oh, but I can't let her go
She used to be my homie though
Now act like she don't know me though
And when I met her it was regular, just sex with her
I'm doing shows but I'm still calling and still texting her
She fuck with me cause I stay real, no I don't flex to her
In states with different hoes but she couldn't tell when I laid next to her
But minus that she fuck with Dex, he got that check put up
He used to trap and cop them grams from a connect with her
A lil down bitch, he think she a rider
But she think he a provider
He (?) the designer
Really only fuck with dope boys, couple athletes in the lineup
Let her have the keys if you drive something
She don't let him fuck if he ain't buy her nothing
I'm MOB and I let God be my witness
Feds she told everything, don't let 'em know your business
These bitches

She want shopping sprees
Oh, she want designer jeans
Oh, she want a wedding ring
Oh, she bringing anything
She can get me anything
She want control of me
Oh, she want a hold on me
Oh, she want my soul from me
She tryna fuck my mind but I don't have no time

Say she ain't never going back to not having shit
She say she ain't gave a nigga her heart who ain't damage it
She say she can't stand niggas, she say we so scandalous
She say she can't fall in love, her heart like a mannequin
This bitch just a sack chaser, she got me panicking
Might let a nigga air me out, money all she care about
She just want a new car, she want a new bag
She don't fuck with last season, she want that new swag
She almost fooled me, I gave myself a news flash
Dex put her on Balmain, ain't even buy his ass a du-rag
When that paper dried up, that's when she moved back
These bitches ain't shit dog, I already knew that
She want jewelry, clothes, and bankrolls, and bank hoes
She just want control in your mind, in your soul
In your time, stop your grind, no more shine, no more hoes
That's a double wrong, what you focused on?

She want shopping sprees
Oh, she want designer jeans
Oh, she want a wedding ring
Oh, she bringing anything
She can get me anything
She want control of me
Oh, she want a hold on me
Oh, she want my soul from me
She tryna fuck my mind but I don't have no time

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