
Songtext Rule #1 Ddg


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Rule #1

OG Parker

Young nigga rich as fuck
All these bitches be fiending to get with us
I'ma pull with Yachty to pick 'em up
She gon run me some top in this Bentley truck
Come on baby get dressed Put your titty up
She wanna ride me all night, baby gitty up
I just bought me a Cuban for Fifty bucks
I was down on my dick, they ain't pick me up
But as soon as I'm rich they gon hit me up
If this lil bitch is not thick, she can't get me up
I do not wanna hit, baby eat me up
Your new boyfriend a bitch, he can't beat me up (Gang!)

Rule number 1 if you live in the hood
When you get rich gotta move out th
е hood
I'm superstitious I'm knockin' on wood
Pray for my niggas, I hope that they good
I'm in th
е Urus, I'm doin the dash
Discounted feature, just pay me in cash
Get to the money, I'm getting it fast
Money come first and these bitches come last

I'm in Atlanta, I donâ??t got no mask
I cannot fuck if she donâ??t got no ass
Cash in my pocket, its making me sad
Outta my body, I'm smoking that gas
Rich like I'm Roddy, I'm geeked off a molly
I'm speeding down Holly, I'm going to fast
Fly her to Bali, she hot like tamale
This bitch getting naughty
She calling me dad

Stepping on shit, Extra rounds in my mag
I'm on they neck, like the dead in the rag
I fucked her head, we ain't givin no pass
Price of codeine comin' in thru the mask
New desert eagle, the barrel was brass
Made more than your future made more than your last
We was the ones breaking rules, showin' ass
Ya'll was the ones going broke, looking sad
I know what they need, .32 for the grabs
Thirty give him a cast, hit him right in his ass
Worth too much money, I hope that it lasts
F and N, I'ma get clips, I'ma blast
I'm boot, I'm sippin' that coop
We yelling out woo
Make the woop do a loop (Damn)
Hit that boy hood, hit his hood with a nuke
New truck son, call it kali, you "shh shh" (Damn, damn)

Rule number 1 if you live in the hood
When you get rich gotta move out the hood
I'm superstitious I'm knockin' on wood
Pray for my niggas, I hope that they good
I'm in the Urus, I'm doin the dash
Discounted feature, just pay me in cash
Get to the money, I'm getting it fast
Money come first and these bitches come last

Niggas want smoke then we beating his ass
I donâ??t forget about shit in the past
Lately I feel like I been in my bag
And now all of my enemies going out sad
We in they city, we takin they hoes
Whole lotta niggas be praying I fold
Just made a song and it's already gold
Mansion is gated up, I cannot make it up
Soon as I'm waking up, I get the bacon up
They wanna see how I'm doing and shapin' up
They wanna see the whole plan and then break it up
I had gave you the sauce then you gave it up
If I do take a loss, I'ma make it up
She had showed me the pussy, I ate it up
I'ma fly her to Cuba and shape her up
She wanna get a new booty, she fake enough

Rule number 1 if you live in the hood
When you get rich gotta move out the hood
I'm superstitious I'm knockin' on wood
Pray for my niggas, I hope that they good
I'm in the Urus, I'm doin the dash
Discounted feature, just pay me in cash
Get to the money, I'm getting it fast
Money come first and these bitches come last
Rule number 1 if you live in the hood
When you get rich gotta move out the hood
I'm superstitious I'm knockin' on wood
Pray for my niggas, I hope that they good
I'm in the Urus, I'm doin the dash
Discounted feature, just pay me in cash (Shh)
Get to the money, I'm getting it fast
Money come first and these bitches come last (Cash)

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