
Songtext Moonwalking in calabasas (remix) Ddg


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Moonwalking in calabasas (remix)

Ballin' since I was a jit
Way before Oakland and filmin' the skits
I had a goal to get rich
Mama was strugglin' payin' the rent
I couldn't help her with shit
Hate that I'm feelin' so stuck in this bitch (Devo this shit hard)
Car broke down, can't fix that shit
I cried at night, I'll admit that shit
'02 old, I'll whip that bitch
She left me 'lone but I miss that bitch
If she text right now, I'll hit that bitch
Old friends like, "How you get that lit?"
Same old me but they think I switched
Fuck old friends, I don't know that bitch
Racks too big, can't fold that shit
I ain't get none when I owed that shit
Mama, I told you we gon' be okay
Whippin' the Benz and she live in L.A.
Tryna thank God, but don't know what to say

Don't call that lil' ass place no estate
Unless it came with a pool and a gate
Check the rear before I pull in the gate
All my watches flooded just like a lake
Lately I've been showing up extra late
Rich nigga take her on a cheap date
4 for 4 Wendy's get her a plate
Love when these nuts all up in her face
She say "Wow, never met a nigga with dick and a house"
Spit in her mouth, diggin' her out
With a choppa in the couch for a rat or a mouse, uh

Mm, I feel like Michael Jackson
Moonwalkin' through the Calabasas
Louis bag, gotta hold the ratchet
Just in case a nigga want some action
Mm, got some millions, but it's just a fraction
Spendin' money for my satisfaction
Benjamins, we don't fuck with Jacksons

Bet when I drop, they don't post that shit (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
All good though, I'ma note that shit
When I blow, you'll owe me, bitch
Humble-ass nigga but I know I'm rich (Yeah, rich as fuck)
Fuck that shit, I know I'm lit
If we beef, I'll fuck your bitch
All of the niggas I beef on the internet
I hit up all of they bitches and get 'em wet
Call her a Uber, I hit 'em and send 'em back
Do it in silence cause players ain't into that
No, oh, I hit his bitch on the low, oh
She said your dick game was so-so
And she had told me you broke, oh , that's tough

That's tough, that's tough
Blueface and DDG, hoes at the BnB
Watching a DVD, giving her DVD
2020 Wagon, A-B-C-D-F-G
Get too close, it go beep-beep-beep-beep-beep
Road Runner, all he heard was meep-meep-meep
Nyoom, seven-fifty in the horse
Hopped off the porch and I crashed the Porsche
Hop out the bed and I smash the whore
Knock-knock, guess who's at the door
Oops, forgot I ordered that Dior (Bop)
Came in straight from Europe (Bop)

Spent four hunnid on beanies easy
She want dick, she needy, freaky, I like Wraiths, no Lamborghini
She off X, she sleepy-sleepy, yeah
Make me a wish, no genie-genie, vanish on niggas just like Houdini

Mm, I feel like Michael Jackson
Moonwalkin' through the Calabasas
Louis bag, gotta hold the ratchet
Just in case a nigga want some action
Mm, got some millions but it's just a fraction
Spendin' money for my satisfaction
Benjamins, we don't fuck with Jacksons

Benjamins, we don't fuck with Jacksons (Bop)
I feel like Michael Jackson
Moonwalkin' through the Calabasas

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