
Songtext Road rage Eminem


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Road rage

This rap shit divided by panty lines, mm, which side are you on? (Pussy)
Social media got you fuckin' in pantomime, damn, why that line so long? (Rookie)
I'm just caught up in the rapture, tryna be a rap star, I hope I make it out alive (Alive)
I'm a master at masquerading and actin' like I ain't faded, only I can see through my disguise

Yeah, I walk around more confused than my aunt Linda's man-friend
A black transgender Klan member (What?)
Who's a Caitlyn Jenner fan and a (What?)
Member of Grindr and Tinder
Head empty as an empty abandoned a— (Yeah)
'Partment while I'm dancing a—
'Round all these nam?s and labels that I can't memo— (What the fuck?)
'Riz?, now my antennaes
Are up on this PC shit, I'm finna
Go out on my shield like Captain A— (What?)
'Merica, transcender

I'm the god of façade, give me a road rage reason
To black the fuck out and roll with the heathens
Road rage, vroom, vroom, vroom, and I'm speedin'
Fuck that red light, I'm tryna get even

Yeah, how could I say some shit so mean? (Damn)
They're tryna make my mouth closed like it's clothing (What?)
This what it is though, but this is show biz, so things
Ain't never really truly over 'til Lizzo sings (Like I won't say that)
We should coddle fat people (Yeah), yeah, here's a concept (What?), let's celebrate onset (Yeah)
Diabetes and instead of us dieting we can just have a pie eating contest (Delicious)
And we should be extra nice instead of honest
And instead of exercise (What?)
It's easier to find a triple-
X your size
And try to press society to change so you don't have to change
Pick up a way to eat less, them fries make your blood pressure rise
As it starts increasin'
All that starch and grease and
Clogged arteries and
These are the reasons
For your heart disease and
Can't tie your shoes (Why?), it's too hard to reach 'em (Shit)
But the way things been (With what?)
With today's thinking (Yeah)
We should baby them (Why?)
Instead of shaming them (Oh)
But enabling can (Yeah)
Do more harm than good, so call me Abe Lincoln
'cause I'll be honest, I can flip in a blink and
All I need is one little road rage reason
Yeah, blah, blah, blah, I'm the

I'm the god of façade, give me a road rage reason
To black the fuck out and roll with the heathens
Road rage, vroom, vroom, vroom, and I'm speedin'
Fuck that red light, I'm tryna get even

Yeah, all my obese people, if you're fat, proud, and you know it (Hey)
Raise your hands if you're shoving food in your mouth at this moment (Mmm)
But if you're mad 'cause they're clownin' you for poundin' them donuts (What?)
Put 'em down and either do somethin' about it or own it

Okay, here we go
Wait, what are you doing?
Fuck's it look like I'm doin'? (What? Nah)
Dyin' our hair
No, stop, stop, ow
Shut the fuck up
You're never gonna–
I said, shut the fuck up
Trust me, I know what I'm doing

So transgender rights? Where do I stand? Oh (Uh)
I'm all for 'em, I really am pro (Nah, for real)
But intercourse with you(
What?), would I have? No (Nope)
I'm just bein' honest (Yeah), now I'm an asshole (Ho)
Call me a transphobe (Really? Yeah) 'cause I just can't go (What?)
And try and pretend you was never a man though (Sorry)
I mean, damn, bro (Yeah), it's just the way I feel (Uh)
But if I say it will (Mm) it get me cancelled (Yup)
My music get banned (What?), or can it withstand? (No)
This shit is quicksand (Help), man, I'm just sayin' (Ha)
I gotta participate for us to co-exist? Damn
I gotta memorize pronouns of a cis man? (Really?)
How come can't we just show solidarity with a wristband? (Or somethin' like that, you know?)
And this ain't even a diss, trans
People, my dick just won't expand
Them tits won't make it stand
But Caitlyn, big fan (No, wait)

Oh, you want me to fuckin' chill and tone this shit down, huh? (Yup)
That's Shady speaking his mind like it was mouth, huh
You wished you'd grow up and not be so juvenile, huh?
Cash Money Records, this shit's about to go south, huh?
You feel stupid now, huh?
Old Slim would've told 'em to put a lid on it like a toilet bowl rim
Hat with the low brim, I'm in the blue corner (What?)
White trunks with the gold trim
They bet that I won't win (Yup)
Guess you really showed them
Became the best and I made it (Yeah) like Adult Swim
Yeah, but you pick on handicapped people with no limbs
Well then, fuck you Chris Reeves and the horse that he rode in

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