
Songtext Like my shit Eminem


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Like my shit

They bite off of this 'cause they like my shit (Yeah)
No fucks (d.a. got that dope, yeah), take offense, but you like that shit

My dad died (Aw), he's still on my bad side (Haha)
That's how I know that I'm back on my shit (How?)
'Cause I'm that fly (Buzz, oh)
Call me the Titanic (Why?), I been known to fuck up entire crews (Yeah)
Treat your clique like tryin' on fitted hats (Fitted hats), I'm capsizin' you (Like a waiter)
Like a waiter'd do with a tray of food, haters, you cater to 'em
I talk my shit, but I back it up, take the hate and I make it fuel
Nothin' else left to say or do
Got dessert, a fork, plate and spoon
Must've put my money where my mouth is
'Cause I got my cake, and I ate it too, haha (Ate it, bitch)

But they bite off of this 'cause they like my shit
No fucks, take offense, but you like that shit
Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah
Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah, yeah
She'll fight over dick 'cause she like my shit
They bite off of this 'cause they like my shit
Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah
Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah (Yeah), yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah

Bitch, you got one television (One set), and the one that you have is cheap (Have is cheap)
It's like when they test your blood (Test your blood), that shit is a plasma screen (A plasma screen)
My house is like Alfred E. Neuman (Alfred E. Neuman), bitch, I got mad TVs (Mad TVs)
I got a whole lotta issues (Whole lotta issues, prr) and MAD magazines (Prr)
Turn the thermostat all the way up's only way you're gonna blast the heat (Blast the heat)
Call you leisurewear like V-necks, all y'all just casualties (Casualties)
Critics I don't rap to please (Rap to please), they be like that brand of greens (Brand of greens)
Label 'em Del Monte (Monte) 'cause everyone you can't appease, yeah (Can't appease, haha)

But they bite off of this 'cause they like my shit
No fucks, take offense, but you like that shit
Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah
Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah, yeah
She'll fight over dick 'cause she like my shit
They bite off of this 'cause they like my shit
Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah
Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah (Yeah, yeah, yeah), yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah

Came up in a world that never (What?) really gave a crap about me (Yeah)
Two months my dad was outie (Bye), blew up, he bragged about me (Haha)
Talk about seizin' the moment (What?), it's like I have the Lawry's (Yeah)
I got jumped at Checkers (Rally's), but across the board, the game had to crown me (Yeah)
Man, I swear this shit is a trip (Trip), similar to a family outing (When I look)
When I look back at how these kid-kids in my class would clown me
Said I'm just a huge waste, well, that must make these rappers belts
Because now they all feel so small that they won't even wrap around me
Expect me to give in like a sinkhole (What?)
Stink, ho? Bitch, no, I don't think so
Like Cool J, back to Cali (What am I, nuts?)
Borderline nuts, but I have no boundaries
If you get in my way, I'ma bury ya
Like a barricade around this area
They call me the grand canal be-
Cause I'll be damned if rap ain't damned without me
Keep it a grand like a damn finale
Coup de grâce as I shot to superstardom
Who'd have thought what my medulla-oblongata screwed-up thoughts could do to toddlers?
But I grew up on ramen noodles, combination of post trauma due to mama
Got me off my rocker, human lama, but everything is not hakuna matata (Nah)
But I pour my heart into the ink in these letters
I tear you apart as I piece it together
How am I so sick if I keep getting better?
Bitch, you ain't fuckin' with me at this ever
You got no cheese and no cheddar
You need some yeast, at least get your bread up
I hit your bitch up like Pac, told her to please keep her head up (Head up, head up)
'Cause she was suckin' my dick in the Jeep when we met up
I show up like you just said speak of the devil
The devil is speaking, "Now shut up," now shut up (Shh)
I'm tryin' to take rappers heads off (What?)
I'm out for blood like the Red Cross (Bitch)
Turn your GPS off and get lost (Right)
This TEC is not for no TED Talk (Brrt)
But every word that come from my lip bomb like I'm ChapStick
Seedy as a motherfuckin' compact disc, bombastic
I'm ahead of my time and my watch fast, bitch
I'm strapped, safety off that bitch
Hop back with this Papermate
The pen'll be the only thing I'm not cappin'
Better quit your goddamn jaw-jackin' (Yeah)
Used to write my raps on napkins (What?)
Too much paper, now I'm stackin'
And you can't take it like dog aspirin (Haha)
Ain't alcohol, but I'm strong as it
If rap was liquor, this song has it (Yeah)
So if you don't wanna get wasted
These ain't the kinda bars that you'll wanna take shots at then

They bite off of this 'cause they like my shit
No fucks, take offense, but you like that shit
Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah
Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah, yeah
She'll fight over dick 'cause she like my shit
They bite off of this 'cause they like my shit
Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah
Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah, yeah

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