Crazy Town

Songtext Revolving door Crazy Town


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Revolving door

Now Ladies come, ladies go,
Out my revolving door
Some ladies never come back,
Most come back for more.
I’ve got a house in the hills
With a door that spins.
Goes in and out,
Out and in,
‘Round and ‘round again.

I live a life these player haters
Would love to be living.
Since a kid, I’ve been surrounded
By beautiful women.
And slippen’ in them
To win them
The unforgiven.
Still something’s missing,
Cuz deep inside I’m suffering
Of a lonely heart condition.
Wishing I could find a girl
That would take me away
From the chaos of the city
And the everday part that I play.
Tell me why lay low,
Why say no
When I got girls serenading at
My window.
Ladies good to go
We’s major league
The new breed. No so-so.
Highly advanced and got the game
To get in any girl’s pants.
And romance her stone
Cuz I more than hold my own
They call me Shifty Capone
I make them moan
Yes, I’m the one.
Between the sheets,
I amaze and stun.
Ain’t no need for me to brag
About the way that I’m hung.
Let’s just say I got the skills
To get the flyest girl sprung.
Or to take and make
An older lady feel young.


I keep my girls in rotation,
Door rotating.
You looking for a good time,
I’m always on vacation.
You could stop by baby,
If you want to try your luck.
But don’t waste my time,
Unless you’re down to fuck.
Unless you’re coming back for more,
Well then you know what’s up.
You know the routine
Girl, you’re not the one.
You’re just a one night fling.
Some ass to hold this casanova over.
Till the right girl pass,
I’ll drop this lifestyle fast.
Cuz what I’m really looking for
Is the one will last
And make my present past.
My adolescence surpassed.
By the will to chill,
I’m looking for something real.
In a world of fake hos in high heels
I’ll drop hot wax on your nipples,
Causing trouble.
And when you ride me,
Yo, I’ll be throwing up that triple double
My sex drive’s kicking.
I’m sexually exploring.
So many possibilities,
It seems my life could never get boring.
Cuz I’m not fucking around.
I’ll rub you down the right way.
I’ll rock your world nightly.
So, can I hit it lightly?
Yo, girl, I like it like that.
Let me hit it from the back.
I’m a natural aphrodisiac.
Better known as a Mac.


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Crazy Town is an alternative band formed in Los Angeles in 1995 by Bret Mazur and Seth Binzer. The band is best known for their 2001 single, "Butterfly", which reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. Members of the band mix elements of hip-hop and rock. As a group, they have released two studio albums, The Gift of Game and Darkhorse, with a third album currently in production.

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