Crazy Town

Songtext Only when i'm drunk Crazy Town


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Only when i'm drunk

(Ricardo Smith, Eric Brooks, James Robinson)

I get drunk and I stumble to the phone and conjure up a bitch to bone when I'm alone
Fucked up, tore back I need to take a piss
Only when I'm drunk? I sing a song like this
My grandma and your grandma... Sittin by the fire
Hold on, turn that beat off!
No, keep it going
Crazy Town, yo y'all just not known'
I get drunk and start talking more shit and when I got a gun in my hand
You better get...Out 'Cause my brain just ain't what it used to be
Forget trying to rationalize, cover your eyes.

I get ....(Uh!)... damn I'm drunk.
I need a chunck, no better yet a hunk of that funk
I get ....(Uh!)... damn I'm drunk.
I need a chunk, no better yet
A hunk of that funk

Yeah I'm good bad, dope I'm freaky fresh
I make hip-hop fans say "yes" "yes"
Crazy's comin' thru you know we're gonna blow up
Hold up wait I think I'm gonna throw up, Na' false alarm
I'm getting all ladies with my cool charm
When I get drunk I might even call my daddy a punk
Yeah , but only when I'm drunk.

Yeah, only when I'm drunk
Only when I'm drunk It happens only when I'm drunk.

It goes, one for the chronic two for the amnesia
I'm that crazy white boy with the drinks in the freezer
Bust a one out, two out blitz type of rapper
That will get you out of your seat quicker than a car jacker
Sippin' colt forty fever when I'm coolin' with my people
Got ho's in east Columbus when I'm Billy D. Rico
"Cause I move like I'm smooth like Like I'm Harry Belafonte
Lookin' for them suckers that jumped my homey Le Le
All up in this bitch with the Gin and Tanqueray dink like Mr.Wendal smoke bud like Dr Dre.
But that's cause I'm old enough to do that of shit
God damn. I gotta piss
I pass the mic to Mr. Shift.

I get drunk and can't nobody whoop me
I'm trippin' it must be that brew that Iwas sippin'
Kickin' in, guess I shouldn't have mixed it with the Gin
'Cause when I'm laying on my back I can feel the room spin
One too many, I reckon Feelin' I got to hurl any second
Want to get up but can't move
Feels like I'm stuck in a groove
What the fuck was I trying to prove
I got a knack for downin' four-o's
All the hos know them doobie bros
People call me shift I keep a fifth in my trunk
I might fuck an ugly bitch, but only when I'm drunk.

Yeah, only when I'm drunk
Only when I'm drunk It happens only when I'm drunk.

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Crazy Town is an alternative band formed in Los Angeles in 1995 by Bret Mazur and Seth Binzer. The band is best known for their 2001 single, "Butterfly", which reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. Members of the band mix elements of hip-hop and rock. As a group, they have released two studio albums, The Gift of Game and Darkhorse, with a third album currently in production.

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