Slim Thug

Songtext Po' up justice Slim Thug


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Po' up justice

Paul Wall in this motherfucker
We like to welcome yall to motherfuckin Texas
Feel like uh… H Town that is

Welcome to Texas, 3rd time, with Paul Wall it’s going down
I keep em down, man keep my 9
My diamonds shine, I keep em lined
Wreckin shit like it’s ‘99
That’s how we do it in the H Town
Fuck it, I’mma gonna slow it down
Pass the 4, po it now
I’m still here, haters in the rear
Anytime that disappear
Old school, plenty coasts are clear
Still countin, sittin outside
Yellow ballin, I’m a shining star
Yall niggas is falling
Them bad bitches still calling,
Went from 4’s to Rrari growlin
Crawlin ass on the highway, I get high every day
I stay fly every day
Fuck your bitch in every way
H Town, that’s where I’ll stay
Still reppin like I used to
Still actin like I used to
Still stuntin like I used to
Still coming through something new
Like I done the last 10+
Ya niggas alright but you ain’t us
Switch V12’s, eat my dust
I’m a Hogan, back from Texas, just came from New Orleans
I’ve been doin this shit so long
Man, I’m so tired of balling

We be tippin, golden sippin, never trippin, we just getting money
South Park, 5th wall, mo’ city acres home
Welcome back to Texas, go on and grab your Styrofoam and po’ up
We be tippin, golden sippin, never trippin, we just getting money
South-west, homey stay green, pouring yella stone
Welcome back to Texas, go on and grab your Styrofoam and po’ up

Bitch I’m thrown, sideways like Pacquaio
Broads wanna wipe me down like a paper towel
I’m at the gallery, followed by kush cloud
Paper stacked, I look to pow so I buy what I want just like a growl
Pull up and that engine growling
Valet in that penny drop em
Slim Thugger right behind me in the traffic, stop him
I’m the frenchies, drive through in the Maserati
These boys talkin full of shit like a Porter party
Hold up, I’m sittin crookin on chrome
Blowin stank, I’m stack a bank, handsfree phone
Sippin paint, my Sprite paint, my jury ain’t no wrong
If you tokin down on the Texas better leave me the fuck alone
My money long, that’s way I know
Just look at the shit I’m ownin
I got too much money to make than to be worryin bout F’in a bitch a bone
My mind gone, my top blown, I’m throwed
My drink cold, my dank rolled, my bank roll is wow

We be tippin, golden sippin, never trippin, we just getting money
South Park, 5th wall, mo’ city acres home
Welcome back to Texas, go on and grab your Styrofoam and po’ up
We be tippin, golden sippin, never trippin, we just getting money
South-west, homey stay green, pouring yella stone
Welcome back to Texas, go on and grab your Styrofoam and po’ up

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