Slim Thug

Songtext It's goin down Slim Thug


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It's goin down

Featuring Quinn and Chalie Boy
Prod by June James

No paint on the wheel, got the seat laid back
Watch me drop the top
I start flippin foes, let the foes burn rubber
As I pull up to the parkin lot
It’s goin down
(they already know)
It’s goin down
(and you know it’s goin down)
(they already know)
It’s goin down

I woke up early, jumped in that buzz
Start flippin foes, let the foes burn rubber
I swung and I swang, watch me swing wide
80 foes pockin, I up them bow ties
I just got paid, let the pop trunk wait
Head pockin out of the Buick the same
Just to show the fresh boss fake cuz I’m real
The domina woman sittin pretty on the grill
How that came down I came through and candy ridda may be blue
An office boss shot the deuce
In an old school that looked like new
Hold up, let me slow it down real quick
Cuz I got that feeling like when you get a lick
It’s goin down and you know it’s goin down
The sun shinin, it’s a good day in H Town
Po’ up a muddy cup for that Scroo and Pimp C
We on the side, ain’t no other place I’d rather be

No paint on the wheel, got the seat laid back
Watch me drop the top
I start flippin foes, let the foes burn rubber
As I pull up to the parkin lot
It’s goin down
(they already know)
It’s goin down
(and you know it’s goin down)
(they already know)
It’s goin down

I know you see me ridin comin down
Trunk waving like the ocean with the 5th recline
When we pull up everybody lookin, turn around
And start Instagramin pictures of they red line
Soft butter, letter smoother than a baby ass
Muddy red flash clear, here getting cash
200 on the dash, but I ain’t movin fast
Slow motion on them 10’s when I pass, button glass baby

It’s goin down in H Town
The street’s full of toys, lookin like a playground
Ridin round that note, flippin through hoods
From the acres home all the way to city goods
Still rollin, pullin up holdin
Slap outside on them foes and they golden boy
Yea, and my bitch flawless
75 dropped out, I’m on some boss ho shit

No paint on the wheel, got the seat laid back
Watch me drop the top
I start flippin foes, let the foes burn rubber
As I pull up to the parkin lot
It’s goin down
(they already know)
It’s goin down
(and you know it’s goin down)
(they already know)
It’s goin down

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