Del tha Funkee Homosapien

Songtext Phoney phranchise Del tha Funkee Homosapien


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Phoney phranchise

[Del talking]

This is real hip hop not no phony phranchise
Winnin' by a landslide and you know you can't hide
This is D-E-L not no phony phranchise
Winnin' by a landslide and you know you can't hide
This is Hieroglyphics not no phony phranchise
Winnin' by a landslide and you know you can't hide

Rag Del, impetuous, tempestuous,
My power's activated, have to make it, funky

Del deep, scuba diver wet suit
Who survived to get loose
Brewin' in the test tubes
To the rescue, extradiction process
To get you all stressed
Step onto my office
That's what you call fresh
It's more like some soft breasts
If i stopped cess, i probably would cough less
Test it, just to see if ya'll rested
I'm blessin' the beat just like if i was the best man
Yo, you miss it in ya' public school distict
Get a book and do the physics
Yo' i got a cool image
Like Hendrix, my kindred,
Y'all fuck up to my index
Bench press rappers doing sets with my Syntax
Ain't nothin' new motherfucker man i been black
Impact, remember Malcom X wore a pimp hat
You paper chasin' when you make it then you spit that
That your whole life shoulda never even been rap
Wannabe gangster fool around and get your friend capped
Talkin' hella shit my brother trying to buy a ten sack
Man, just call me amphibious
Submerging so deep yanking curtains on these idiots
Walking 'round oblivious more than annoying
Everywhere I turn a black life is destroyed and
Times is getting tough gotta sign for unemployment
Walkin' round the town all 'noid and bent
Out of posture from sixteen blunts, a pint of vodka
Intoxicated some of y'all call it faded
With my headphones slammin' playin Iron Maiden
Sleepin' in the lobby of the Days Inn


Never outdated
When my power's activated, have to make it, funky

I'm barn storming, alluring, curing
Your ailments with lyrical talismans
Here it is, for the scrutiny of every record reviewer
Your tool to reduce your little rhymes are non-existent
Meticulous methods I use to modify
The style you all should try
Posh poetics, cost effective
Neck and neck with sun beams
Transcends the fabric of time
Yah, it's one thing
Named Hiero, habitual funk, fiends and freakerz
Techniques from the major leaguers leaves you meager
Style malfunctional i'm punchin' in early
Right on schedule gold medalist rebellious (who?)
Del is, got you cornered like a cougar
Comin' up with new words like you must be a lummox
Wanna infiltrate my crew when you know you'll go nuts
Lactose intolerant your bowels'll blow up
Catostrophic so deep can't locate with metal detectors
Listen more then once you'll need several inspections
I'm sicker than a beef recall
Reiterate the fact with flows that free fall
Reintroduction the classic material
That last with imperial
Props and Pop Will Eat Itself
Hotter than coals tread and your feet'll melt
Like plastic i castrate contenders
With a crew that got more power than the Westcoast Avengers
Sit and let your ears swim in the splendor

It's just that real hip hop not no phony phranchise
Winnin' by a landslide and you know you can't hide
This is D-E-L not no phony phranchise
Winnin' by a landslide and you know you can't hide
This is Hieroglyphics not no phony phranchise
Winnin' by a landslide and you know you can't hide

[Verse 3:]

Mouth watering musical madness
More bomb than Bombay in glad bags, get mesmerized
Spellbound Del found profound
Hip hop essentials mandatory for the mental
I used to be dazed and confused
Now I'm amazed and amused
At life and its clever ruse
I have compassion while other brothers askin' for trouble
Brain damage got 'em befuddle
Yo, while I'm on stage pumpin' fear
Your over there in the corner drinking non-alcoholic beer
Dominating, commentating moving on to great things
Embracing the lunacy, lacing the community
With one, two, and three for all clueless emcees
They need guidance, tutorials from the Overlord of skill
Magnifying music with my magnificent mind
That blinds with such shine it's embarrassing
Hop in the caravan with Hiero and hit the road to take care of fans
You know what, I'm claimin' dozens
It's Sudden Impact Crib Death
It's big threat major counter-act like tazers
Trailblazers, we clown the name sayers
I crave flavorings with custom tailorings
I can comunicate with aliens, it's a daily routine
It's never failing you fiends to get cream
By the continuity the rhymes move in unity perfectly with the tunes
I hope it hits you soon


When my power's activated, have to make it funny

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