Del tha Funkee Homosapien

Songtext Catch all this Del tha Funkee Homosapien


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Catch all this

You gotta get a better view outside, bird's eye view inside
I annihilate fools w/ the ???, birds eye view catch all this
Birds eye view catch all this
Birds eye view catch all this
Birds eye view catch all this
Birds eye view catch all this

[Verse One]
Del, You don't need much proof
When I'm in the sound proof booth, I get loose
Your Excellency, better than the rest of emcees, best with the beat
My capacitors collapse your faders, when I come lackadaisical
That's the way to go
Smash the radio
Pass the gravy too well I behave a fool
High level virtual humanoid, leave your whole crew destroyed
When I switch to manual
Cause I don't stick to manuals
I'm back with panic filled, Manic skills
That weave the tapestry you can't capture me
On video, DVD, or camera
I mangle mice in a maniacal manner
Feed back, fry ya scanners
They wave white banners, like dandruff
Hand cuffed to tracks like a prisoner
Non-visionary commentary is a listener


[Verse Two]
Compelling, unpredictable, how I spit my flow
Get the dough
But rich or poor, I enrich my soul
I can't forget my bro's, that's unforgivable
Live as though you can play, that's when you get stripped to ya bare essence
To finally know your fates stop wastin time and try 2 share lessons
They're guessin, puzzled muzzled
By society undeniably subtle
Technology to make a space shuttle
Technology to make the earth rumble
Get a whiff, it smell like trouble
But Del likes trouble and I don't need a double
Meet it head on, let's hope it's dead on
There's a time for dancing and mind expansion
Tryin to balance, your mind is challenged
To get past lies and violence
Lies and silence, wiped out
Like a surfboard I dun know what hurts more
Knowin, not knowin, or can't controlling
But I control my destiny
In my heart I hold it, I can't let the world get the best of me


[Verse Three]
Devastating mic control, Levitating master flows
Infrared lyrics snipe ya dome, And I write it like a poem
Notorious like a Poe, a title I have the right to own
Celebrate elevation, And try to make sense outta these statements
I'm information inflated
While emcees done plagerated
Critics don't buy the records
Fans do and I respect that
Del, my signature style is assembled and wild
He can do what he like it's two of me
Both sides of the brain
Watch emcees flow right down the drain
My special moves will rescue you from mediocrity and popular offerings
Operating at a high speed, You don't know yet just try me


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