Kodak Black

Songtext No love for a thug Kodak Black


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No love for a thug

I fell out with my homie, I lost my baby girl
Shit got crazy, we found out about my baby boy
Shit got crazy, we found out about my baby boy, my baby boy
Lord knows that I'm lonely, I never say a word
I'm tryna act like I'm happy, I'm tryna fake it
I'm goin' through changes
You better know where you aimin'
You better know where you came in
You better know where I came from
Sometimes I hate that I'm famous
But I'm in love with this paper

I'm pushin' violence, but really I just need a hug
I wanna feel wanted, not taken advantage of
Like, seriously, I'm wonderin', is there no love for a thug?
Do anybody got a soft spot for a menac??
I know I met her at the club 'caus? I put my heart in it
I've been lookin' for a way out this world that I'm given
I had a serious conversation with my dog L.O.E. Shimmy
He said, "It's impossible to catch thirty bodies in a month"
The streets done changed, shit ain't the same the way we do our killin'
And dude hate me, I don't even glitch, just say, "Just smoke a blunt"
I told Shimmy I can't tell, I think we goin' to hell anyways
I turned a demon just recent and you was what I should just face it, ayy
I ain't the person I'm put out to be
The streets done changed me, it's too late, done got too far from me
The fake love soured me, it chewed me up, spit me out, devoured me
I'm fucked up

I fell out with my homie, I lost my baby girl
Shit got crazy, we found out about my baby boy
Shit got crazy, we found out about my baby boy, my baby boy
Lord knows that I'm lonely, I never say a word
I'm tryna act like I'm happy, I'm tryna fake it
I'm goin' through changes
You better know where you aimin'
You better know where you came in
You better know where I came from
Sometimes I hate that I'm famous
But I'm in love with this paper

Lookin' back on love, the only thing make life worth livin'
I don't wanna do no more of this shit without you, Mickey
I know you happy now, am I selfish for wantin' you to miss me?
Why must I always gotta walk around fuckin' shit up?
Am I only tryna distract you now 'cause you in love?
Confuse you and misuse you just like I always done
You became a strong Black woman, and me, I'm still a chump
Tellin' these lil' bitches anything to let me fuck
Been payin' attention to everything, wish it was us
Wouldn't be surprised, I see a wedding ring in a couple months
Try to snap my fingers and you ain't come runnin' the way you used to jump
And then you told me you was havin' a baby, I'm like, "Hold on, what?
Is it too late to get rid of? I mean, congratulations, love
I know you gon' be the best mother to your son"
We watched each other grow up, you hate how I'm always in some junk
Rolled every time, rolled every bid, rolled every single one
You say you just don't know what it is, must be voodoo or somethin'
'Cause it always be some shit, no matter how good I done
And now I just bought a whole strip mall, know where I'm from
And now they sayin' they found fentanyl in my cup
Crackers tryna set me up, niggas tryna wet me up
My dog been on a whackin' spree, his mama died from vaccine
My other dogs, they hatin', like he don't remember, I was skied up, black tee
I told 'em if I was dead broke flat like he is, I'd still be hoppin' out that backseat, like

I fell out with my homie, I lost my baby girl
Shit got crazy, we found out about my baby boy
Shit got crazy, we found out about my baby boy, my baby boy
Lord knows that I'm lonely, I never say a word
I'm tryna act like I'm happy, I'm tryna fake it
I'm goin' through changes
You better know where you aimin'
You better know where you came in
You better know where I came from
Sometimes I hate that I'm famous
But I'm in love with this paper

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