Kodak Black

Songtext Dope boy magic Kodak Black


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Dope boy magic

All the heartbreaks, I ain't never broke my heart
I ain't never forgot to play my part
I was that lil' nigga, kept it real from the start
Breakin' in houses, breakin' in cars
Nigga, let me know if it's smoke, I got a 'gar
Sniper Gang, nigga, hit your ass with a dart
I was sellin' dope out the door in the dark
Snatch an old lady chain, walkin' in the park
Put wicks on a fade, they callin' me Bart
Lost grip, went away, then I had to restart
Got hit in the leg, forgot how to bop
Got skin for some head, then she got out and walked
My dick in her mouth, she gaw-gaw-gaw-gawk
Put a switch on the Glock and I hit at your top
Got a brick of that flock, I bought out the block
Hopped out the drop, yeah, I hopped out and dropped
That nigga a mark, I hit all my marks, I'm Sniper Gang forever
There go the narcs, but we already parked, so they can't fuck with us
I snipe and I fight, makin' money, shootin' dice and I'm fresher in that matte
The dope wasn't right, but I brought it to life, that's dope boy ma-magic
Dope boy ma-magic
This F&N fantastic
I swing it, the rod do magic
I'm still thuggin' in the park, Jurassic
All of these bitches are plastic
You find somethin' real out here, that's rare, these niggas the same old fabric
They packin' they steel for fashion
They say they gon' kill yeah, maybe they will, but then they gon' tell, ain't action
I cut a hole in the mattress, then I filled it up and patched it
Stitch it up, put it right back the same way, we don't sleep on this end
I fucked a homegirl, she an unloyal bitch, so I peed on her friend
I'm with my lil' cousin, lil' Ten
He be 'bout to flash and shoot one of my fans
Say, lil' Taz, he don't ask, he just spin
I'll ignore your ass like I'm one of your parents
I'm quick to spaz on some shit in a second
I'll drop a bag on a bitch, I be ready
Sprite spiked up, I don't drink regular soda
I piped up, yellow bitch name was Lola
I turned the crack run the coke with the soda
I let the heroin sit in the sun
You niggas ain't never sold no bun
You niggas ain't never shot no gun
You niggas ain't never shot your gun
Nigga, I can hear it in your song
And I hear it in your lingo

Know what I'm sayin'?
It's like, the way that niggas rock now, niggas pop they shit, I can tell, like, what type time they on
Niggas know what time I'm on, you can just smell it
Yeah, that's a dog right there, that's a dog

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