
Songtext Nigga w/ money Tyga


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Nigga w/ money

You see that big ass chain (mm mm mm)
Big old ring (mm mm mm)
Bitch with the big old ass (mm mm mm)
Go and get that cash (mm)
I'm a nigga with money
I'm a nigga with money
I'm a nigga with money and I don't need that bitch (mm mm mm)
I don't need that bitch (mm mm mm)
I'm a nigga with money

Yea, big ass ring with the big ass links
My Becky in Atlanta ass like a Georgia peach
How that shit fit on a toilet seat
And my new bitch walk like that shit don't stink
(Mm mm mm) shit don't stink
Fuck around with me I got that big old mink
I gotta drag that bitch on the floor
Pour up and then we make a porn (mm mm mm)
Go on and back it up (mm mm mm)
U-haul truck
Tattoos whoa voom scarred up
I get high off the money that's star bucks
Yea, that's star bucks
I got a few dtf's and they down to fuck
I slide in like a parking lot
I get, I get, pussy a lot

You see that big ass chain (mm mm mm)
Big ass ring (mm mm mm)
Bitch with the big old ass (mm mm mm)
Go and get that cash (mm)
I'm a nigga with money
I'm a nigga with money
I'm a nigga with money and I don't need that bitch (mm mm mm)
I don't need that bitch (mm mm mm)
I'm a nigga with money

I'm a nigga with money
I'm a nigga with money

What I'mma do, keep getting this money
And what you gon' do, flip through the gram
Made a movie, we shot it in France
I did it cause I can bitch we was in Cannes (mm mm mm)
Brunch on the sand
Four bracelets I'm the new Killa Cam
Earrings, band
New watches, bananas
Banana in pajamas
The cock is banana (Panda panda)
I got broads in Atlanta (Panda panda)
I got broads in Havana
I got broads on Lufthansa
The bitch just text, she left her bra in the Phantom (mm mm mm)
And that Cartier say it's savage time
Webbie on repeat, it's Savage Life
I hit my girl last night, and her friend tonight (mm mm mm)
Yea bitch, I'm the shit
Me and your nigga we opposite
I can make you famous I need five percent
I get it, I get it, poppin' bitch

You see that big ass chain (mm mm mm)
Big ass ring (mm mm mm)
Bitch with the big old ass (mm mm mm)
Go and get that cash (mm)
I'm a nigga with money
I'm a nigga with money
I'm a nigga with money and I don't need that bitch (mm mm mm)
I don't need that bitch (mm mm mm)
I'm a nigga with money
You see that big ass chain (mm mm mm)
Big ass ring (mm mm mm)
Bitch with the big old ass (mm mm mm)
Go and get that cash (mm)
I'm a nigga with money
I'm a nigga with money
I'm a nigga with money and I don't need that bitch (mm mm mm)
I don't need that bitch (mm mm mm)
I'm a nigga with money

I'm a nigga with money
I'm a nigga with money
Nigga with money

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