
Songtext Hello i'm ballin' Tyga


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Hello i'm ballin'

I spent 1.8 million of my hard earned money
To buy this motherfucking car, I had heard about called the Bugatti

OK, my boujee bitch all she want is Hermès
And my college bitch need a new apartment
Make 'em both cum together, said it's all in
(Rawwest nigga alive)
Hello bitch, I'm ballin'

Ha, hello bitch I'm ballin' and I'm jet lagged
Unh, shoppin' in Japan, we don't price check
Unh, see me for Chanel Dior sunglass
Unh, leather quicksand Bugatti sandman
Ah, don't bother me, I'm wakin' up from a Xan
Take two girls, make 'em best friends
This T-Raww, like let's get acquainted
She makes The Shade Room, she think she famous
Ah, tattoos on her body, cocaine is a hobby, don't
Be so obvi niggas, record and watch it
And sell it, make a profit, tryna slow up the progress
Light up and burn let it process
I yes, interior chopped, the turbans, swervin'
Medallion diamond iced the serpent, sir, yes
Paid checks, cash advance (cash advance)
Rubs hands, but no Birdman

OK, my boujee bitch all she want is Hermès
And my college bitch need a new apartment
Make 'em both cum together, said it's all in
(Rawwest nigga alive)
Hello bitch, I'm ballin'
Boujee bitch all she want is Hermès
And my college chick need a new apartment
Make 'em both cum together, said it's all in
(Rawwest nigga alive)
Hello bitch, I'm ballin'

When I heard they got a motherfucking car that's a million dollars
(Un huh) I want it
You know what the people at the place called me?
The Barrack Obama of Bugatti

Ha, John Gotti, big body
Desert Eagle, bitch pop it
New Bugatti, I'm the topic
No mileage, just got it
Cocaine, glove compartment
Keep her high, she always want it
Green eyes, she from the tropic
Ride or die, keep the pistol polish
I ain't the hottest, nigga stop it
I ain't the hottest, nigga stop it
Rings on me since playing Sonic
Had rings on since playing Sonic
I'm the topic
I'm the topic
New connect, meet the buyer
I don't need a scale, I can eyeball it
Kiss the ring, I'm the godfather
Corleone, you ain't see it coming
I fuck her friend, cause these hoes is horny
Forty Glock, hunnit thousand on me
Play for keeps, I don't ever bargain
I'm the profit
I'm the profit
Double up into triple profit
In the mid-west, young Scottie
Beam me up in a jet, Roger
Red bitch into red leather
She clawing on me, that's Red Lobster
Head first, then we talk about it
Told the bitch that's law and order
Head shawty, head bussa
I'm the hottest, who fuckin' want it
I'm the topic
I'm the topic
Disagree, nigga stop it
My jeans, Saint Laurent it
I'm the bomb, real atomic
All my dogs, stay barkin'
She wipe her head, Lorena Bobbitt
I'm the topic
I'm the topic
Disagree, nigga stop it
I got the juice and the water
I got the chips and the salsa
(I'm the topic)
(Unh, nigga I'm the topic)
(Unh, I know your future I'm just being honest)
She 'gon let me poke, she my Pocahontas
The cops is crooked (gunshots)

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