
Songtext Murdaside (remix) Aitch


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Der musikalische text MURDASIDE (REMIX) von AITCH ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Lost files (2023)

Lost files


Murdaside (remix)

I'm from a place, if you got beef, you let your burner cry
Ask him where he's from, he's not a Scouser, he said, "Merseyside"
I don't need no tick by me name to show I'm verified
Strap it, no certificate (Yeah), got nicked with it, I'm certified (Yeah)

Don't be rappin' 'bout no strap, that burner's not yours
Ask him where's he's from, he's not a Man', that boy from Stockport
Platinum every summer, five years, I must be top four (Yeah)
Broski in the nit for kickin' shit, that boy don't knock doors (Whoosh)
V.I.P., don't need no ticket, I just go
Bitch, I really run my city, half a ticket for one show
My neck cost more than the brizz, I lift my wrist up, I just glow
Had your favourite rapper's sister in the crizzy on the snow
Free Samurai, back then, we're screamin', "40 Gang" (Yeah)
Ain't fuckin' on no MILF, my broski really let that forty bang (Boom)
I just made two-fifty, bought a crib and gave my shorty bands
If feds are there, I'm gone, oi, Mazza, tell them where I'm from, yeah (Woo)

I'm from a place, if you got beef, you let your burner cry
Ask him where he's from, he's not a Scouser, he said, "Merseyside"
I don't need no tick by me name to show I'm verified
Strap it, no certificate, got nicked with it, I'm certified

Free Flock, he's in the wock, he got like thirty-five (Years)
Why'd you put them bullets in your gun? You're not prepared to ride
We all wanna shoot, when it's time, we let the worker drive
Jump out, fuck a drive-through, you get your burger fried
I don't wanna hear about no bootings if he nearly died
Put you on the news at six o'clock, that's that murder time
And I can't be fuckin' with no rappers with them nursery rhymes
I've never heard your name, you probably heard of mine
I'm movin' like a terrorist, the rats are gettin' terrorised
They might need a therapist, degenerates, we're petrified
Done a few with callin' kid, he went to court and testified
Tryna get rid of all these rats like it's pesticides

I'm from a place, if you got beef, you let your burner cry
Ask him where he's from, he's not a Scouser, he said, "Merseyside"
I don't need no tick by me name to show I'm verified
Strap it, no certificate, got nicked with it, I'm certified

Asked him where he's from and he said "****," so I done it bait
Do it like I'm Twin, like I'm Cruise, tryna hit his ****
Me and Aggy B on Romford road and we just took Chase
He was talkin' gangster 'til I left him with a jook face
Stuck that pussy up against a wall like a bookcase
Always talkin' shit about some drills that never took place (Liar)
Broski, nah, he can't cook a egg, but he can cook Flake
Thirty-six, I'm signin' all the shooters with some thirty-eights
Where I'm from, if you got a beef, you get them hammers out
Bro hung up the screws all on the landin' with the scanners out
We put **** on ****, from Gascoigne up to **** **** (Real)
This the sort of place, your out of place, you can't be hangin' 'round (Still)

I'm from a place, if you got beef, you let your burner cry
Ask him where he's from, he's not a Scouser, he said, "Merseyside"
I don't need no tick by me name to show I'm verified
Strap it, no certificate, got nicked with it, I'm certified
I'm from a place, if you got beef, you let your burner cry
Ask him where he's from, he's not a Scouser, he said, "Merseyside"
I don't need no tick by me name to show I'm verified
Strap it, no certificate, got nicked with it, I'm certified

I'm from a place, if you got beef, you let your burner cry
Ask him where he's from, he's not a Scouser, he said, "Merseyside"

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