
Songtext 42 Aitch


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Der musikalische text 42 von AITCH ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Lost files (2023)

Lost files



Give me that, one two, give me that
Yeah, yeah, yeah

Bring some Hennessy or some Maggie's, bitch, I ain't tryna drink no '42 (Bitch)
VVS on my necklaces, I put diamonds all on my shorty too (Yeah)
Callin' up her friend, says she's horny, we just brought her through (Haha)
Tongue all in her pussy, should've saw me, I'm naughty yout' (Woo)
Pick my nose, oh, shit, my wrist on froze, I almost caught a flu (Yeah)
Kick and roll, I'll give you to my bro before I talk to you (Bitch)
Pick a home, don't know which one to go, true say, I bought a few (Trust)
In the Rolls, three besties give me dome, I like that sort of view (Hahaha)
Could've got the new Cullinan but I switched it up and got a double M
Had the plaques on 'em, tryna pull on 'em, now she suck me up 'til I cum again (Yeah)
These rappers, I just make fun of 'em, they all rappin' 'bout the same gun again
If I lay a verse, I be bossin' 'em, they don't fuck with me, I don't fuck with them (Yeah, yeah)
I told shorty, "Put your jacket on, it's time to go" (Phew)
Yeah, she just want a packet or a line of snow (Hahaha)
Yeah, Bentley or the Lambo, eeny, miny, moe (Skrrt, skrrt)
See man rappin' 'bout some figures I had time ago

And make that ass clap
Girl, make that ass clap
Now throw that ass back (Yeah)
And make that ass clap (Okay, yeah, yeah)
Girl, make that ass clap (Okay, yeah, yeah)
Now throw that ass back (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)

I ain't givin' out my dick to no chick that wants clout
My shorty don't want P, she wants kids in her mouth
Told her, "Hit my crib", made the trip from down South
But if I see that phone, bitch get kicked out my house (Woo)
Diamonds on me all pink like that pussy is (Yeah)
Skydweller plain, rose gold, I'm still thinkin' 'bout bustin' it (Trust)
Been on top for like six years, that money boy still runnin' shit (Ha)
Chrome Hearts, still in that double R and them YGs get your Cully flipped (Bah, hah, bah, bah)
Woah (Woah), woah (Woah), make that ass shake (Phew)
Throw that booty, I'ma throw some money, I don't give a fuck if the ass fake (Yeah)
They know it's me when I'm pullin' up, you see M-40 on the car plate
Scrapped the wheels on the May' Benz, that's the only time I felt heartbreak (Haha, haha)
Go (Go), go (Go), go (Go), go (Go), go (Go), go (Go), go (Go), go (Woo)
All that ass, how can I let you walk past me? (Ha)
Eat it up 'fore I beat it up, like, girl, I'm tryna get nasty

And make that ass clap
Girl, make that ass clap
Now throw that ass back (Yeah)
And make that ass clap (Okay, yeah, yeah)
Girl, make that ass clap (Okay, yeah, yeah)
Now throw that ass back (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)

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