Waka Flocka Flame

Songtext Murda she wrote Waka Flocka Flame


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Murda she wrote

Featuring Cartel MGM & Young Scooter
Prod. By Izze The Producer

You dealin with El Chapo, this take it back, speedboat
Pluck the city up like a pussy, I grabbed her by the throat
I didn't oversee no miskin from the slums, rockin the mean coat
I bust because I need mo, you drowning tryna stay float
I'm dancing like a fool, my diamonds so icecold
My lifestyle, Mafioso, I pulled up in that 2 door
Ride forth through them slums and you know I keep them drums
Joseph keep that cake and Psycho keep that mo
When I reel bands, I'm on that 3 band shit
Try by broad day, I'm on that Flocka shit
Show me where his mama live, I don't play that fuck shit
Everybody know I'm true to this,
This that life I chose to live

The last time you're gonna see a bad guy like this again

Shootout, we undefeated
Don't fuck nigga squad, we don't mean it
He went out with the back, I can't believe that
But now where his mama workin when she's sleepin?
Murda she wrote brigs
Take a bas be so every time I ball we see no since that 5000 more
Bricka, no echo with the retro

Way I'm street nigga ain't no changing me
You with them rap his hat on where them gangstas be
I fuck your bitch, she thankin me
My shooters they make history, murkin won't do shit to me
My shooters they ride next to me
Up ahead, may you rest in peace
I'm ridin with all felonies, guess that's just the thug in me
My Phantom goes monopoly, in '65 you won a key
Hit the lights, I see the folks
Make the rain on racks row
El Diablo if you want a elbow
We got it very low
Gangbangin, robbin niggas then we sellin blow
Takin all phase man my youngins letting full these go
These niggas know, we gon show that
30 bands in the club, we gon throw that

Shootout, we undefeated
Don't fuck nigga squad, we don't mean it
He went out with the back, I can't believe that
But now where his mama workin when she's sleepin?
Murda she wrote brigs
Take a bas be so every time I ball we see no since that 5000 more
Bricka, no echo with the retro

The street's fucked up, I'm bout to up the price
65000 for a brick of white
I took a 9 at her, never do it right
Remix remix remix and let em take flights
Young Scooter, yea I live a dope boy life
I'm talkin 20 shootouts and not even hit yet
65 licks, I done hit that
If you want 65 bricks you could get that
Interstate 65, I done jumped in
The Mexico City where my hood at
Shootout (shootout) drug house (yea)
Me and Flocka Flame bout to cash out

Shootout, we undefeated
Don't fuck nigga squad, we don't mean it
He went out with the back, I can't believe that
But now where his mama workin when she's sleepin?
Murda she wrote brigs
Take a bas be so every time I ball we see no since that 5000 more
Bricka, no echo with the retro

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Waka Flocka Flame is a performer. His discography includes Flockavelli.

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