Waka Flocka Flame

Songtext Bad decision Waka Flocka Flame


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Bad decision

Featuring Wooh Da Kid
Prod. By Southside On The Track

(Verse 1: Waka Flocka Flame)
I woke up this morning too turnt' up, my nigga I be balling
Pink slip shawty, I don't do no fucking lease
Niggas try snitching, wanna run to police
Put it on my niece, you gon' die before me
I put that on the team, Grove Street nigga
Where I'm from we don't brag if we catch a body nigga
That's just life
Real shit nigga, that's just life
Watch out for your friends when they got a knife
Blood brothers, me and Wooh Da Kid
Run them over here, no more hard year
A six mill' years, that's real shit
I'm on my squad shit, flex go hard, bitch

(Hook: Waka Flocka Flame)
They know my war stories, niggas know me
Walk up dumping, high me
Everybody killers, where the bodies?
In the hood, where you could find me
Blood brothers in the club, it's a movie
My hood, you can call it grimey
Lights, camera, action
Center of attention, mention Wooh Da Kid and Flocka
That's a bad decision

(Verse 2: Waka Flocka Flame)
B.O. Flame, family above money
Loyalty spelled backwards, Waka Flocka Flame
Wanna wear my chain, wanna drive my car, wanna fuck my bitch
All in my business, get off my dick
Niggas bullshitting
I got that sack right now
Niggas bullshitting
First scrap, thank you to my brother Wooh
Everything green, pussy's Soo Woo
I built it nigga, watch me break this nigga
I'm one grateful nigga, all I do, you ain't thankful nigga?
I'm from Riverdale Road, Grove Street
Last time that I checked, they know O.G.'s

(Hook: Waka Flocka Flame)
They know my war stories, niggas know me
Walk up dumping, high me
Everybody killers, where the bodies?
In the hood, where you could find me
Blood brothers in the club, it's a movie
My hood, you can call it grimey
Lights, camera, action
Center of attention, mention Wooh Da Kid and Flocka
That's a bad decision

(Verse 3: Wooh Da Kid)
All I know is grind, 25/8
Like fuck it I need it now, niggas can't wait
Knife or the pistol, let you choose your fate
Neighborhood buzz, I'm moving state to state
Wooh Da King in this motherfucker
Heavy metal, three chains in this motherfucker
Flocka Flame that's just my blood brother
Could never be pussy, I got a gangster mother
Most of these niggas fake, the rest is iffy
Could even null around, niggas won't tempt me
Hole in his head, I guess he lost his mind
And he thought he was a winner when he crossed the line

(Hook: Waka Flocka Flame)
They know my war stories, niggas know me
Walk up dumping, high me
Everybody killers, where the bodies?
In the hood, where you could find me
Blood brothers in the club, it's a movie
My hood, you can call it grimey
Lights, camera, action
Center of attention, mention Wooh Da Kid and Flocka
That's a bad decision

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Waka Flocka Flame is a performer. His discography includes Flockavelli.

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