
Songtext Morning sun Savatage


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Morning sun

When you look at the morning sun
Do you see what I see
Or could I be the only one
Seeing just what I need
I envision a different man
Than the one I've become
Pray the ocean will understand
That my time isn't done
Everyone's leading
But nobody's dancing
You stand on the stage
Just to turn all alone
I have waited this way
For a lifetime of days
I can't wait for the morning sun
As I stand with the sea
And the ocean she understands
Just the man I could be
Somewhere else there's a different world
With a sun that will rise
And a moon that will take it's place
In another man's eyes
And perhaps it's a better world
Than the one that I see
Or if better for no one else
Perhaps better for me
Here in the dark where the sky shows it's graces
Revealing each star while the moon plays the fool
Saying how it must be while the night disagrees
I can't wait for the morning sun
As I stand with the sea
And the ocean she understands
Just the man I could be
No, no, time doesn't wait for you
No, no, leave it alone
No, no, your days are far too few
This thing I have always known
When your time is up it's true
They never give another day to you
When your time is up it's through
No one cares how
Can't keep it
Can't save it
Can't take it away with you
So I say we use it now

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Savatage was born in the suburbs of Tampa, Florida in the early 1980's—the product of two brothers, Jon Oliva (vocals and keyboards) and Criss Oliva (guitar) plus hard-hitting drummer Steve "Doc" Wacholz. Savatage quickly developed a loyal following throughout Florida, and in 1983, the band released its debut album, Sirens. The following year, Savatage signed to Atlantic records, and in 1985 they released their major-label debut, Power of the Night. Following the band's first significant tour, the lineup solidified with the addition of bassist Johnny Lee Middleton in late 1985.

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