
Songtext Complaint in the system Savatage


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Complaint in the system

Welcome to the system
Here's the situation
It's a bit confusing
Welcome to the maze
Everybody sees what

Everybody wants to
Everyone avoids
Every other gaze

I will be your mentor
I'll be your advisor
I'll do what I do
And you will look away
Forgetting what you see
Has always been much wiser
But someone in the back is missing what I say

Got a complaint in the system
Got a complaint in the system

Welcome to the park now
We supply amusements
Everybody rides
But everybody pays

What good's causing problems
When no one's complaining
What good is a martyr
If no one is saved

Everybody knows us
Everybody sees us

Every single child

Can tell you where we are

Every politician
Says that we are leaving
But in all this time

We haven't gone too far

Got a complaint in the system
Got a complaint in the system

You should understand it
It's not underhanded
It's really quite simple you see

The right and the wrong of it
Long and the short of it
Black and the white of it
Forget the sight of it
It is so much cheaper

To be no one's keeper

Trust me

In the dead of the night
You can stab with a knife
But it's rare you'll ever get anywhere

So we laugh in delight
Till you turn on a light
And we scatter for the darkness
Or the corners filled with blackness
And we're


Then the sailor turned around
And walked back along the beach
Towards the boat anchored offshore
For his decision had been reached

He then sat down on the sand
Thinking of all he & #146; d seen that day
And then decided in his mind
It was time to sail away

For the world that I was born to

Clearly no longer exists
And the feeling I should leave it
I can no longer resist

And as he sat there thinking
A mother and her child walked by
And the old sailor's hourglass
Had caught the young boy's eye

So he walked up to the stranger
As only a young child will do
To ask if he could see the hourglass
But then he noticed something new

That the old man he was crying
Though he tried to wipe his eyes
So the child forgot the hourglass
And instead asked the old man why

But before the sailor could answer
The mother said to leave the man alone
And taking the child by the hand
She gently led him home

And as they left the beach

The sand recorded both their tracks
Until they reached the final dune
When the young child he looked back

Then he saw the sailor standing up
The glass falling from his hand
When it hit the ground the top broke off
And spilled out all it's sand

Then the sailor walked up to the sea
And waded to the boat
But instead of pulling up the anchor
He simply cut the rope

And the last thing that the child saw
As they walked out of sight
Was the sailor and his sailboat
Sailing out into the night

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Savatage was born in the suburbs of Tampa, Florida in the early 1980's—the product of two brothers, Jon Oliva (vocals and keyboards) and Criss Oliva (guitar) plus hard-hitting drummer Steve "Doc" Wacholz. Savatage quickly developed a loyal following throughout Florida, and in 1983, the band released its debut album, Sirens. The following year, Savatage signed to Atlantic records, and in 1985 they released their major-label debut, Power of the Night. Following the band's first significant tour, the lineup solidified with the addition of bassist Johnny Lee Middleton in late 1985.

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