Kodak Black

Songtext Misunderstood Kodak Black


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It's like fuck it, I'm just misunderstood. That's the story of my life

I don't like talkin' to you niggas, y'all don't understand me
Poppin' rhythm when I talk, it's like I'm speakin' Spanish
I'm so different from you dudes, I am not organic
Say slow down on all that thuggin', think about your family
I don't like talkin' to you niggas, y'all don't understand me
Poppin' rhythm when I talk, it's like I'm speakin' Spanish
I'm so different from you dudes, I am not organic
Say slow down on all that thuggin', think about your family

I keep this tool on me like I done turned into a mechanic
I'm a fuckin' CEO, I don't need no damn manage
I don't like no interviews, see y'all don't speak my language
We can't hold no conversation, you don't know what I'm sayin'
She say she wanna know the real me, bitch I am it
Tell the blog "correct that shit," 'cause I ain't from Miami
I don't even speak code, when I do, I'm misinterpretated
I don't even need no surfboard, I'm too fuckin' wavy
I ain't take my meds bitch, 'cause I ain't fuckin' crazy
Say you thuggin' a lil' too hard, life you livin' dangerous
They don't see potential, they say I'm a project baby
Just 'cause my dad so goddamn selfish, he ain't wanna raise me

I don't like talkin' to you niggas, y'all don't understand me
Poppin' rhythm when I talk, it's like I'm speakin' Spanish
I'm so different from you dudes, I am not organic
Say slow down on all that thuggin', think about your family
I don't like talkin' to you niggas, y'all don't understand me
Poppin' rhythm when I talk, it's like I'm speakin' Spanish
I'm so different from you dudes, I am not organic
Say slow down on all that thuggin', think about your family

I'm on 18, I'm slangin' like I'm Peyton Manning
My bitch just told me to be more gentle 'cause I'm too demanding
They say that all my demons seeming but I'm not satanic
And I keep her back wet but shawty ain't Hispanic
I see you in peripheral vision through my Prada lenses
No point in goin' to school if I'ma keep on jumpin' fences
The block too hot and that's the only reason I'm on campus
It's a pandemonium ridin' panoramic
Once they let me out of jail I went back to the dentist
I snapped my golds out and flood my gums with VVS's
Yeah, you listenin' what I'm sayin' but you don't get the message
Did so much dirt I wonder how I still be gettin' any blessings

I don't like talkin' to you niggas, y'all don't understand me
Poppin' rhythm when I talk, it's like I'm speakin' Spanish
I'm so different from you dudes, I am not organic
Say slow down on all that thuggin', think about your family
I don't like talkin' to you niggas, y'all don't understand me
Poppin' rhythm when I talk, it's like I'm speakin' Spanish
I'm so different from you dudes, I am not organic
Say slow down on all that thuggin', think about your family

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