Kodak Black

Songtext Built my legacy Kodak Black


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Built my legacy


Built my legacy
Drivin' Bentleys, not no Lexuses
She on ecstasy
Fuck her two times then I left the bitch
Not with that extra shit
I won't text the bitch, just sex the bitch
We young and reckless
Pull up with tecs and shit, kill pedestrians
I'm on perc and I'm on lean and I'm on bars
Pull up, tecs and shit, start wettin' shit out the car
How you go big on big my nigga, I'm extra large

San Diego, I be beatin' all my charges (ayy)
Glock got a private part (ayy)
Car be push to start (yeah)
Your lady done got involved
Off xans I'm noddin' off
Don't make me make the call
My nigga'll slay his dogs
My nigga ain't got no heart
My nigga'll slay his partners
Free Cool, he in the box
Free Cool, he on the boot
I'm on the phone with him
I'm rollin' 'cause I'm on it, too (ayy)
Pull up in coupes (ayy)
Drop out and shoot (ayy)
Lil' Tay on the roof (ayy)
We all got a woo on us
You niggas can't get no verse
You're lucky you got a chorus
I don't like 911
Except when I'm in a Porsche
I hop out, park the chop
Luc Belaire, pop the corks
No time to be goin' to court
That baby gon' get abort

Built my legacy
Drivin' Bentleys, not no Lexuses
She on ecstasy
Fuck her two times then I left the bitch
Not with that extra shit
I won't text the bitch, just sex the bitch
We young and reckless
Pull up with tecs and shit, kill pedestrians
I'm on perc and I'm on lean and I'm on bars
Pull up, tecs and shit, start wettin' shit out the car
How you go big on big my nigga, I'm extra large

I was off the chain but now my songs all over the charts
Now she give me head whenever I knock her head off (yeah)
I'm a head honcho the way I knock your whole lil' set off (yeah)
Got a AR-15 with the scope, this ain't no airsoft
Ain't talkin' Migos, when I see you I'm gon' take off
(Yeah yeah, ain't it)
Baby let's get faded
You're mad you ain't make The Fader
On XXL, you hatin'
Nigga won't set me in Vegas
I done did too many frauds
I was 17 with 80
Started noticin' somethin' crazy
He 17 with 80
No choice, they had to take it
My lawyer got it back
Say "I appreciate it"
Now shawty 20 racks
Don't believe her name Raven
You can go and fuckin' ask
But I thank the Lord I made it
All I gotta do is rap

Built my legacy
Drivin' Bentleys, not no Lexuses
She on ecstasy
Fuck her two times then I left the bitch
Not with that extra shit
I won't text the bitch, just sex the bitch
We young and reckless
Pull up with tecs and shit, kill pedestrians
I'm on perc and I'm on lean and I'm on bar
Pull up, tecs and shit, start wettin' shit out the car
How you go big on big my nigga, I'm extra large

I'm takin' bars, find my inmates tryna break you loose
My jeweler chain sent the wrong bracelet to my boo
I'm with Blac Chyna but she ain't nothin' but a florida swoop
She say I'm a dawg, Snoop
I'm runnin' too hot for you
I don't need no child from you
It's Project Baby 2

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