
Songtext Love t-raww Tyga


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Love t-raww

I don’t fuck with nobody, about me
I don’t fuck with nobody, about me
I don’t fuck with nobody, about me
I don’t fuck with nobody, I don’t fuck with nobody

These bitches love T-Raww, hater name Machinegun
All these niggas, they broke bars
And I push a Rolls Royce
Niggas, they don’t like me
I heard niggas they don’t like me
These bitches love T-Raww, only trust my Nina
King shit with my feet up
Killing niggas for my sun but
Niggas, they don’t like me
I heard niggas they don’t like me
Man these bitches love T-Raww

Ridin round – no plates
Scheming, tryina get paid
Lookin for a fuck date
Men lie, women lie, but the numbers I make
Load up that wild boy, call it MGK
Mind cone, don’t fuck with me
Countin dorms in the middle east
38, Silence Lamb, hello Clarice
My life need a DVD
Bags of money like the money team
Dress bitches in all black
You could call em BT
These hoes are competition, competin for a seat in VIP
These niggas claim that they poppin bottles
They just holdin that sparkled thing
Rich store and I had a dream
Martin Luther I must have seen
Mixtape, mix your body with tape, that’s what that diamond bring

These bitches love T-Raww, hater name Machinegun
All these niggas, they broke bars
And I push a Rolls Royce
Niggas, they don’t like me
I heard niggas they don’t like me
These bitches love T-Raww, only trust my Nina
King shit with my feet up
Killing niggas for my sun but
Niggas, they don’t like me
I heard niggas they don’t like me
Man these bitches love T-Raww

Offseason, no time to play
Nighttime – my time of day
I hustle hard like ace and wang
Two shifts, I’mma need a raise
Car post in your lane
I’m blowin up, that’s propane
These hoes want my last name
No sitcom, this the House Of Pain
No, I don’t fuck with nobody like celibates
I ride alone, I die alone
She give me head, that’s Tylenol
No dialogue, she play her part
My life a movie, no stripper tho
I’d die and say that I did it all
I did it all so

These bitches love T-Raww, hater name Machinegun
All these niggas, they broke bars
And I push a Rolls Royce
Niggas, they don’t like me
I heard niggas they don’t like me
These bitches love T-Raww, only trust my Nina
King shit with my feet up
Killing niggas for my sun but
Niggas, they don’t like me
I heard niggas they don’t like me
Man these bitches love T-Raww

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