
Songtext 95 like dat Tyga


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95 like dat

95 like dat
95 like dat

95 stylin, straight shots, gold medallion
Put your number on this paper, promise I’mma dial it
Cute college chick, daddy was a doctor
Word to the great Vonn, she datin a rapper
Entertainer, athlete, she never after
So I entertain her late night well after
High 10 after, midnight his bedtime
You could say I stole a heart, I just call it face time

No rush, just relax your mind
You are now listening to sounds of a better rap
Bands in drop, there’s mosh pit in the lobby
Girl so horny, that’s my type of party
No ties, mob shits, suits and ties
Crap table, Vegas, vampire nights
I marry you tonight just to say we did it right
Waking up with regrets, roll over,

She be like: Why you never called me back?
Sometimes you just be like that
Can’t promise the world but I could promise you half of that
Sometimes you just be like that
All the rumors you heard, I ain’t got no time for that
Shit, I ain’t got no time for that
And you ain’t gotta cry, dry your eyes, we gon get through that
Trust we gon get through that
95 like dat

Reservations, call, serve a table
Alligator, snake skin, purple label
Polyester, black berretta, who do it better
For my niggas caged up writing them letters
Lower level, reporting live, channel 11
No emergency but I’m in the 9/11
Far settle, girl scream, a red fellow
Pull up on the scene, bumping on the instrumental

And you know it, know it
Time flies when you’re flying first class all the time
And you know it, know it
No time for the games, dollar signs on my mind

And you know it, know it
Eye for an eye, young killa, just wanna stay alive
And you know it, know it
Gotta learn to live with regrets, I regret the times

You like: Why you never called me back?
Sometimes you just be like that
Can’t promise the world but I could promise you half of that
Sometimes you just be like that
All the rumors you heard, I ain’t got no time for that
Shit, I ain’t got no time for that
And you ain’t gotta cry, dry your eyes, we gon get through that
Trust we gon get through that
95 like dat

95 like dat
95 like dat
95 like dat

Litigations, black faces, lawyers, briefcases
Agent, top notch, paid investigations
Fired, off top, block shots Anthony Davis
Rod the greatest, acres, no neighbors
Do that so many times, hope you do better next time
Think about a dog next time you drop a dime
Better ride, so she rather fly
Always aksing me the same thing all the time

Why you never called me back?
Sometimes you just be like that
Can’t promise the world but I could promise you half of that
Sometimes you just be like that
All the rumors you heard, I ain’t got no time for that
Shit, I ain’t got no time for that
And you ain’t gotta cry, dry your eyes, we gon get through that
Trust we gon get through that
95 like dat

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