Chubby Jag

Songtext Love sosa Chubby Jag


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Love sosa

Bitches call me sosa, know I got my toaster
Snapping like a cobra, I put you on a poster
Raining on this thick bitch, she got cake like Oprah
Hustling like I’m sposed to, chubby slanging coca
These bitches call me sosa, sosa, sosa
These bitches call me sosa, they know I got that yola
These bitches call me sosa, sosa, sosa
These bitches call me sosa, they know I got that yola
These bitches call me sosa

Whole thang, break down, broke dead, straight now
Bitches know my motto homes, ass up, face down
Spam in, steak now, fucking nigga live greater now
Your man a trip, my man a flip with banana clips
This ape town
Black with drugs, white powder, rich from coke, white power
Real nigga, your type coward,
Cali bowling like dwight howard
Hustle man I fuck with niggas that love the coke and they like sour
Graveyard we selling rock you can come up quick on the right hour
Boss nigga, that bi, got these haters on my bi
I ain’t never had shit handed to me, I go and get it like TI
High as fuck no come down, pussy niggas don’t come round
Pussy niggas that come round, same pussy get gunned down
Real sitch, you a snitch nigga, you a bitch nigga, your girl hard
Drive by my girl car, cause I take the rug you know world star
Nigga wailing like payday, nigga wailing that k spray
Boss nigga with the bizness homes, grown man like Kay Slay

Bitches call me sosa, know I got my toaster
Snapping like a cobra, I put you on a poster
Raining on this thick bitch, she got cake like Oprah
Hustling like I’m sposed to, chubby slanging coca
These bitches call me sosa, sosa, sosa
These bitches call me sosa, they know I got that yola
These bitches call me sosa, sosa, sosa
These bitches call me sosa, they know I got that yola
These bitches call me sosa

I’m superman like cole homie, yellow stones look cold on me
Real rap got the niggas gone, crazy swag got the hoes on me
They froze on me, they stuck now, just met can fuck now
Family first no dummies round, if that money round, I get bust down
Chubby I don’t know why home, they hating on me just die home
My goonies niggas gonn ride home
I’m chef making them pies home
My pad, no eye home, from south central to the sty home
She getting wet and you get on planes, I get in jets who fly home
Turtle top get wailing, mask on I’m wailing, I’m wailing
I’m stylin, this bitch can’t hold her smile in
Hollow points from the chrome fly, that red dot, that led pop
Your head shot and your dome fly
I’m for that bread nigga home prize
Murder beats I know it’s jag, hustle hard and I know the sack
I been around coke for so long, I can smell the shit and just know it’s bad
2 times for the dope game, running out I need more cane
Titi boy got 2 necklace, chubby jag need 4 chainz
I’m flaming on them nigga propane,
Never banking, my folks bank
Label calling me all star, when I came in it had no game
Fuck with fiends that smoke crack, smoke weed and got a nose game
Run around with my bullshit, I’m balling out with this rose game
Chubby yeah real spit, flat top, gold chain
15 for a verse nigga, 30 lards for the whole thang
Real nigga shit, we making them real nigga chips
I got that coca on that sosa hoe, that real nigga hit

Bitches call me sosa, know I got my toaster
Snapping like a cobra, I put you on a poster
Raining on this thick bitch, she got cake like Oprah
Hustling like I’m sposed to, chubby slanging coca
These bitches call me sosa, sosa, sosa
These bitches call me sosa, they know I got that yola
These bitches call me sosa, sosa, sosa
These bitches call me sosa, they know I got that yola
These bitches call me sosa

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