Chubby Jag

Songtext Blocka Chubby Jag


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Dis type ah shit happen everyday
All dem a gwaan dem heart softer than clay
None ah dem have the guts to rise it and spray
None ah dem have the guts to bust the SK

I got diamonds on my blocka
Servin' to my flocka
Yeah, that's my flocka
To my flocka
Pray to Lord on my shotta
She be poppin'
Yeah, that's my flocka

(Verse 1)
This one for my goon squad
This one for my hood nigga
This one for them bad bitches
Where I'm from ain't no good niggas
Go hard for them stripes boy
Cut that all get sliced boy
My to let you slide in
That ain't the case tonight boy
Hope you know that's my bitch
The nerd look in her tight boy
That's why I got my hands on her
I'm in that bitch like Ike boy
Own that block with glocks on me
Guard that with my life boy
Start off slow with green hoe
Upgrade to that white boy
Chubby bring your bitch around
She get dick now
Chubby sick now, broke down but I'm rich now
Niggas lit now if you hate you gon' sit down
Niggas know the motto we the late now we get down
Last year drop we work it hoe
Told you that we grinding nigga
Watch that block go diamond nigga
Don't ask me why we shining nigga

I got diamonds on my blocka
Servin' to my flocka
Yeah, that's my flocka
To my flocka
Pray to Lord on my shotta
She be poppin'
Yeah, that's my flocka

(Verse 2)
Left my crib with mad cash
Fuck around bought that block back
Green hundred to Kiki
He fuck around bought that glock back
I ain't go say that BIG back
I ain't gonna say that Pac back
I'm from their love Pac
And that shit get you pop back
Pop off we gon' pop back
'Cause this shit ain't no fair homie
Can't no one compare home
I think niggas should stop that
Hatin' get you molly wap
We molly popin' we rollin homie
No he done no OJ blunts
Told you that we rollin' home
Fuck them hoes until they stop
Like girls is posing home
Got no babies though
Bitch shout out the trojan home
Really I ain't picked this hoe
I think I got chosen home
Addicted to this cold life
That's why my neck look frozen home

I got diamonds on my blocka
Servin' to my flocka
Yeah, that's my flocka
To my flocka
Pray to Lord on my shotta
She be poppin'
Yeah, that's my flocka

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