
Songtext Light dreams Tyga


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Light dreams

Unreal to a close eye,
Can't feel but you heard that I'm close by
It's more vivid the image invented in my mind,
I look around and really I see a fake smile
No time, when the tickets down,
My Rolex style don't mean shit now
It's just another pay cut my mind made up
Unnecessary lay-ups
You can still win n got a rich n star player
Fuck a hater still remain-a-self-made nigga
Live bigger, credit cards no limits
I drop 20 on the luggage took 10 minutes
I don't shop online those are all gimmicks
Only make moves when your hearts in it
B.I.G. said it; so I entertain like Cedric
Standin on the trunk roof top unit city
Batman, spotlight, gotta say you bitches
The jokes on you Jack,
Who the fuck you gon call when your shit towed, by the repo
Can't tell your girl so she the center fold
Now you gettin played like Casio's; uuh
Casino's, C-notes and chips like Frito's
Got a free coat, when Costa Rico
Most hoes only know two words
Like "gimme those", still buy em tho
Currently ballin' so I gotta letcha know
Flash thru the tint roll the window
Tilt the brim
What the fuck I did, lemme see your registration
Imma keep it real kid I'm just hatin
Ain't a opportunity I ain't take close chase
City national bank evolve into shape
Of a dollar then I duplicate,
Motherfucker don't believe let me demonstrate
I dream the motherfucker try to kill me in my sleep
Whats the point to steak when niggas want beef
Diss me cus they hungry made a meal that you couldn't eat
You fucken snakes in the rat race 2 face bitches
That's why I don't fuck wit none of yall niggas
Cus soon yall fell when you fell wit em
Its like puttin '87 in a Bentley; nigga don't tempt me

Everything ain't everything
Shit ain't always wat it seems
I put that on everything no sleep having light dreams
What I see is what I cant reach I put that on everything
Goin crazy, I might be no sleep having light dreams
I dream (I dream)

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