
Songtext I'm gone Tyga


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I'm gone

(feat. Big Sean)

[Verse 1: Tyga]
Ugh, looking around glass, my future is in the past
I’m re-arranging my life, I’m single and now I laugh
All of the moments we had, beginning and just the end
At the end, stealing friends, heard I was on your hit list
Damn, now I’m driving Ferrari fucking random bitches
People saying I made it but I don’t feel too different
Wayne told me “Close your eyes, they’ll never see your Vision”
So I stay ready to die behind these Biggie lenses
Reinventing all the Audemars/Breguet shit
Just left the hood, word to the 5th Dist
Bout to cop a G to the roof like Diddy
And my city color purple nigga, no ceiling
It take time when you plying on the beat
I kill it, I bet I kill it
Producer witness to see
Bitches standing on they feet, handicap get out your seat
Got that buzz: Lil B, sting a bitch: Ali
Compare tighter rappers, but my songs greater
Just compare me to dope dealers and ball players
Cause I’m a dope ass nigga and I ball player
Never save a hoe, can’t even get a Life Saver
We gon fuck out way to the top and fall later
So I'mma fuckin never call her later
Ugh, Skinny nigga got my weight up
Middle finger to my haters, why you chasing?
We ain't racing, Mufucka I’m gone!

Middle finger to my haters, mu-fucka why you hating? I’m gone
I ain’t really wanna do it but I did it to em, nigga, I’m gone
Leave the beat shit alone, leave the bullshit at home, I’m gone
Even though I’m out of here, nigga gotta keep it real, I’m gone

[Verse 2: Tyga]
She fuckin with me, these niggas ain’t fuckin with me
Got my mind on my money, my money piling up hundreds
You say you did it, I done it
You old nigga, I’m younger
You fold up under pressure
I’m good straighter then stretchers, Ugh
Bitches pecking my wood: Wood Chuckka Chuckka
Never gave 2 fucks: Double Rubbers
Now your color turn your face to a red Gusher
And your girl stick it to me like a car bumper
Never depended on anyone co-dependent
Kept my thoughts to myself, I don’t need opinions
No middle mans, in the middle of my sands
Niggas thing they sweet, they can’t even pay their incidentals
I’m detrimental, on any instrumental
I ain’t pullin teeth, nigga better hide your pillow
To these rappers to the fucking grizzle
Bad to the bone, Red Zippers, Mike Jizzle, I’m gone

[Hook x2]
Middle finger to my haters, mu-fucka why you hating? I’m gone
I ain’t really wanna do it but I did it to em, nigga, I’m gone
Leave the beat shit alone, leave the bullshit at home, I’m gone
Even though I’m out of here, nigga gotta keep it real, I’m gone

[Verse 3: Big Sean]
Big, Finally Famous in this
I say fuck sleep stayed up, fuck you, pay up
Always got the paycheck, never took a pay cut
Payday'll be worth all the broke nights I stayed up
So in my cup I’m mixing up whatever dreams are made of
Not too many Young G’s made of what I am
So I was waiting on a doctor man, patient as I am
I guess the Young D-Boy made it into a man
With girls half-naked around, like we finna land the sand
Red-eyes to Rome and they connecting to France
With some bomb-ass pussy, that bitch came straight from Iran
My jewelry made in Japan, I’m off California drugs
And where I made my money? Nigga all of the above
I could count my inner circle on my hands and my feet
Passing joints long as a branch cause it’s family tree
Doing “kush-ups” man cause the Weed too strong
I’m a G + 1 what’s that muthafucka? That’s gone

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