Brother Ali

Songtext Letter from the government Brother Ali


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Letter from the government

I got a letter from the government the other day
I opened it and read it and burned that man
The way that I live don't concern that man
We gon' have to settle this another way

[Verse 1]
When the knuckles turn white
Eyes begin bulging
I take an honest look at my life
It's insultin
I been sulkin about it all week
Hearin adults screachin
Metal grindin the concrete
Sparks dance where the worst of both worlds clash
Meaning the blue tyrants and my broke ass
I understand this is pawn take pawn shit
But Ill be damned if you'll shoot me on my lawn bitch
Think twice before shinin that light at my drawers
In the alley in the middle of the night
Garbage baggin, house, shoes
Put two and two together
I aint no drug smuggler I'm a struggling brotha
Had this dream where I go nuts
Dial 911 from the roof and post up
Decorate your hot head when you came in the cruiser
And paint your rod red in the name of Abu


[Verse 2]
What kinda sucka would I have to be
After these years of you harassin and attackin me
To run and join your cavalry
Imagine me all GI Joed up in Afgahnistan somewhere
Prepared to go nuts
You're clinically crazy if you think you can pay me
A figure that can make me slay these innocent babies
I identify with a slave wishin to break free
He was victimized by the same system that raped me
Look at us poor
Just tryin' to get our foot in the door
And unfortunately hooked in this war
We were both coerced to get enlisted
But his was with a trigger mine was livin' conditions
We're one in the same
But in the name of some freedom
I'm supposed to put one in his brain like something will change
What freedom? I aint ridin for no president
Send the kids to die when we didnýt even elect em bitch


[Verse 3]
Listen I'm in position to judge a young stud
Tryin to use the military to come the fuck up
Cause self preservation is the first law of nature
Play your cards smart
Remember what the fucks up
It's really no different from crack peddlin'
When it comes to dyin and killin for a dream you were given
Last thing in your mind is how youre seen by the system
Be willing to go to those extremes for your vision
Shit Im no smarter
I know Im fuckin retarded
I just know enough to not eat directly where the dog shits
If Uncle Sam wants to threaten my health
Tell him he'll have to come get me hisself motherfucka


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