Brother Ali

Songtext Uncle sam goddamn Brother Ali


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Uncle sam goddamn

Ah, The name of this song is uncle sam goddamn
It's a show tune but the show aint been written for it yet.
Were gonna see if tony Jerome and the band can maybe work this shit out for me
And straighten me out right quick I like it so far man
Yeah Come on, lets go
Welcome to the united snakes
Land of the thief, home of the slave
Grand imperial guard where the dollar is sacred
Come on lets do this shit for real now
Smoke and mirrors, stripes and stars
Stoner for the cross in the name of god
Bloodshed, genocide, rape and fraud
Written to the pages of the law, good lord

E me
Only two generations away from the Worlds most despicable slavery trade
Pioneered so many ways to degrade a human being
That it can't be chains to this day
Legacy so ingrained in the way that we think
We don't need to wear chains to be slaves
Lord that's a sinful display
The overseers even got raped along the way
Cause the children can't escape from the pain
And they're born with the pores and this hatred in their veins
Try and separate a man from his soul
You'll only strengthen him and lose your own
Well shoot that fucker if he walk near the throne
Remind him that this is my home (now i'm gone)
Welcome to the united snakes Land of the thief, home of the slave
Grant imperial guard where the dollar is sacred
And power is god
Welcome to the united snakes Land of the thief, home of the slave Grant imperial guard where the dollar is sacred Hold up, gimme one right here You don't give money to the bums On the corner with a sign, bleeding from their gums Talking about you don't support a crackhead What you think happens to the money from yo' taxes Shit the governments an addict With a billion dollar a week kill brown people habit And even if you aint on the front line When the master yell crunch time you right back at it You aint look at how you hustling backwards And the end of the year add up what they subtracted 3 outta twelve months your salary Paid for that madness, man that's sadness what's left get a big ass plasma To see where they made dan rather point the damn camera Only approved questions get answered Now stand your ass up for that national anthem Welcome to the united snakes Land of the thief, home of the slave Grant imperial guard where the dollar is sacred And power is god Welcome to the united snakes Land of the thief, home of the slave Grant imperial guard where the dollar is sacred And power is god [instrumental break] Custom made, the consumer news Keep saying we're free But were all just blue

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