
Songtext It's the greatest working class rip-off Crass


It's the greatest working class rip-off

Ain't it just a rip off, oi, oi, oi
Ain't it just a rip off, oi, oi, oi
Ain't it just a rip off, oi, oi, oi
What a fucking rip off, oi, oi, oi

Another threatening glance, another macho stance,
Another aggressive fist, another arsehole pissed,
Another vicious threat, a stream of blood stained sweat,
Another bottle waved in the air, another battle with tension and fear.

Ain't it just a rip off, oi, oi, oi
Ain't it just a rip off, oi, oi, oi
Ain't it just a rip off, oi, oi, oi
What a fucking rip off, oi, oi, oi

Tell me, why do you glorify violence? Ain't there nothing better to give?
Why fuck up the only chance to be yourself and really live?
You tell me you're a working class loser, well what the fuck does that mean?
Is the weekly fight at the boozer gonna be the only action you've seen?
Are you gonna be one of the big boys, well, we've seen it all before,
Muscles all akimbo as they boot down another door.
Will you see yourself as the hero as you boot in another head,
When you're just a pathetic victim of the media you've been fed.
You're lost in your own self pity, you've bought the system's lie,
They box us up and sit pretty as we struggle with the knots they tie.
Okay, so you're right about one thing, no-one's got the right to shit on you,
But what's the point of shitting on yourself, what's that gonna do?
Working class hero beats up middle class twit,
Media labels, system's shit.
When it looks like the people could score a win,
The system makes sure that the boot goes in.

Yeah it's the greatest working class rip off, oi, oi, oi
Just another fucking rip off, a fucking media ploy
It's the greatest working class rip off, oi, oi, oi
Ain't it just a rip off, ain't it just a rip off, ain't it just a rip off, oi

Punk attacked the barriers of colour, class and creed,
But look at how it is right now, do you really think you're freed?
Punk once stood for freedom, not violence, greed and hate,
Punk's got nothing to do with what you're trying to create.
Anarchy, violence, chaos? You mindless fucking jerks!
Can't you see you're talking about the way the system works?
Throughout our bloody history force has been the game,
The message that you offer is just the fucking same.
You're puppets to the system with your mindless violent stance,
That's right you fuckers, sneer at us cos we say "Give peace a chance"
Punk is dead you wankers, cos you killed it through and through,
In your violent world of chaos, what you gonna do?
Is Top of the Pops the way in which you show how much you care?
You take off now to the U.S.A. and spread your message there?
Well mouth and trousers, sonny boy, never changed a thing,
The only thing that'll ever change will be the song you sing,
Cos when you've bought your Rolls Royce car and your luxury penthouse flat
You'll be looking down your nose and saying "Punk, dear chap, what's that?"
You'll be the working class hero with your middle class dream,
And the world will be the same as the world has always been.
Punk's the people's music so you can stuff your ideas of class,
That's just the way the system keep you sitting on your arse.
Class, class, class, that's all you fucking hear,
Middle class, working class, I don't fucking care.

It's the greatest working class rip off, oi, oi, oi
What a fucking rip off, oi, oi, oi
It's the greatest human sell off, oi, oi, oi
Ain't it just a rip off, ain't it just a rip off, ain't it just a rip off, oi

Punk's the peoples music and I don't care where they're from,
Black or white, punk or skin, there ain't no right or wrong!
We're all just human beings, some of us rotten, some of us good.
You can stuff your false divisions cos together I know we could.

Beat the system, beat its rule
Ain't got no class, I ain't a fool
Beat the system, beat its law
Ain't got no religion cos I know there's more
Beat the system, beat its game
Ain't got no colour, we're all the same
People, people, not colour, class or creed
Don't destroy the people, destroy their power and their greed.

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Crass were an English punk band, formed in 1977 which promoted anarchism as a political ideology, way of living, and as a resistance movement. Crass popularized the seminal anarcho-punk movement of the punk subculture, and advocated direct action, animal rights, and environmentalism. The band both utilised and advocated a "Do It Yourself" approach, producing sound collages, graphics, albums and films. Crass also criticized and attempted to subvert the dominant culture with messages promoting feminism, anti-racism, anti-war, and anti-globalization.

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