
Songtext I'll be here Nocap


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I'll be here

They telling me to make some club music
Nah, bitch, I'm a popstar, drug user
Them niggas broke, 'cause they too focused on what I'm doing
I got rich, still tote this banger, I'm a good influence

These rap niggas be click hopping, I'm already hip
Way before I had power, I had a fifty on that clip
Make sure that it's on me, 'cause we might die if we ain't strapped
I fuck with Nick Saban, but I put 'Bama on the map
Remember skippin' school, now we tryna hear a bell
Don't care if he in Portland, got them shooters on his trail
Couple homi?s changed on me, got me ballin' by mys?lf
In that water like I'm Michael, this some pain they never felt, yeah-yeah-yeah
It ain't only in my eyes, you see it everywhere
To a mansion from a cold-ass jail cell
Only us and we ain't fucking with no new niggas
Should've been a doctor, nothing that I do little
Tryna come off that lean just so I can move quicker


Tell 'em niggas that if it's smoke with us don't send the ones they love
I shed tears, sweat and blood
Won't let you take it from me, nigga, I'm a thug
I'ma run it up until it's all okay
Even though that cash don't take that pain away
Sosa the joker, he be frontline with that K
And I'll be here when the sun rise, I can't wait

I'll be here, I'll be here
I'll be here, I'll be here
I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be
Oh, yeah-yeah-yeah, oh, oh-oh-oh, oh, oh-oh-oh

Send me a sign, you reppin' on it then we steppin' on you
We should've knock your mans down back in California
Tell Draco that I love him, never turn my back on homie
I gave the world my struggle, gave the streets my testimony
Take my heart then you leave me, don't act like you need me
Pose in this Rolls-Royce, it ain't mine, it's Kingston's
One day, I'll fly so, so high with my wings up
I do not want, want this life that they dream of
Got rid of users, to get rid of favors
Fuck them magazines, we tote clips, we tote faders
Hope you don't plan on watchin' us we go cut off your cable
Want you hungry niggas to hear these shots, we took off the potatoes
I'm the best rapper alive, nigga
Best rapper dead, that's if I die, nigga
All I know is never tell and stay fly, nigga
So when I'm walkin' through delta, the feds harass a nigga

They telling me to make some club music
Nah, bitch, I'm a popstar, drug user
Them niggas broke, 'cause they too focused on what I'm doing
I got rich, still tote this banger, I'm a good influence

I'ma run it up until it's all okay
Even though that cash don't take that pain away
Sosa the joker, he be frontline with that K
And I'll be here when the sun rise, I can't wait
Take my heart then you leave me, don't act like you need me
Pose in this Rolls-Royce, it ain't mine, it's Kingston's
One day, I'll fly so, so high with my wings up
I do not want, want this life that they dream of
I'll be here, I'll be here
I'll be here, I'll be here

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