
Songtext Grenade Nocap


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Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Daytrip took it to 10

That bitch, she know I'm the bomb, I might have a son and I'ma name him grenade
Told 'em I was being framed, they didn't respond, now I'm in the back of the Wraith
Smoke gelato, forty-one, I cough up my lungs, I gotta get high everyday
Ain't the type to lose, ain't talkin' 'bout keyboard, I need to go back outer space
Spend a thousand on Balenci' Track runners, watch how I walk in this bitch
See somethin' I want and I fly her in, and don't even talk to the bitch
Cost a pair of Amiris to make them youngins spin, I'm bettin' my pockets on this
And my music seen and n?ver topped the list, b?t every hood gon' hear it

Dirty money, tried to clean it, but that Lysol ain't work
I was posted in them trenches while my grandma was at church
Told me what happened to Slim, I feel like no one had deserved
But since they did that shit to you, I feel like everybody do

They keep us afraid, and ain't put in no work
I'm still tryna see what the lil' nigga worth
Like fuck all the traffic, get put on the shelf
It don't happen soon, I'ma do it myself
My diamonds they cold like ice cream, remember back then they told me my dreams would melt
Niggas ain't playin' they part, 'fore I go back to jail, I'ma catch him and aim at his hair
Throw me in the jungle, don't worry, you need to be scared for the lions, and tigers and bears
Don't do no leg shots, I drop fourteen racks in Seattle like DK Metcalf
That shit you flexin' with, I spend that shit in three days
Wanna be rich like Russell, mama said, "You will son, one day"

That bitch, she know I'm the bomb, I might have a son and I'ma name him grenade
Told 'em I was being framed, they didn't respond, now I'm in the back of the Wraith
Smoke gelato, forty-one, I cough up my lungs, I gotta get high everyday
Ain't the type to lose, ain't talkin' 'bout keyboard, I need to go back outer space
Spend a thousand on Balenci' Track runners, watch how I walk in this bitch
See somethin' I want and I fly her in, and don't even talk to the bitch
Cost a pair of Amiris to make them youngins spin, I'm bettin' my pockets on this
And my music seen and never topped the list, bet every hood gon' hear it

Dirty money, tried to clean it, but that Lysol ain't work
I was posted in them trenches while my grandma was at church
Told me what happened to Slim, I feel like no one had deserved
But since they did that shit to you, I feel like everybody do

My diamonds they cold like ice cream, remember back then they told me my dreams would melt
Niggas ain't playin' they part, 'fore I go back to jail, I'ma catch him and aim at his hair
Throw me in the jungle, don't worry, you need to be scared for the lions, and tigers and bears
Don't do no leg shots, I drop fourteen racks in Seattle like DK Metcalf
That shit you flexin' with, I spend that shit in three days
Wanna be rich like Russell, mama said, "You will son, one day"

That bitch, she know I'm the bomb, I might have a son and I'ma name him grenade
Told 'em I was being framed, they didn't respond, now I'm in the back of the Wraith
Smoke gelato, forty-one, I cough up my lungs, I gotta get high everyday
Ain't the type to lose, ain't talkin' 'bout keyboard, I need to go back outer space
Spend a thousand on Balenciaga Track runners, watch how I walk in this bitch
See somemthin' I want and I fly her in, and don't even talk to the bitch
Cost a pair of Amiris to make them youngins spin, I'm bettin' my pockets on this
And my music seen and never topped the list, bet every hood gon' hear it

Daytrip took it to 10

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