Lil Gotit

Songtext Hard right thare Lil Gotit


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Hard right thare

I put the Hood in Baby
I said I'm puttin' down, you know what's goin' on
My slime, he with me, Shawty
Booted, Zack Kid
Big slime
Block life (My teller)
You know what I'm sayin' (What I'm sayin')
Rudy Gang (The junkies, Deebo)
It's crazy, but it's true

Go get me some bread, can't talk to the feds
So I'ma just get me some more
I beat down the block, I beat down the trap
The J's knockin' at the door
Lil Johnny he with me, you know that he creepin'
My brother bangin' tiny loc
You heard what I said, got snakes on my leg
These niggas know I'm the GOAT
Rockstar, yeah, lifestyle
Beat her back out, Pacquiao
Out of state, we pack 'em out
Rollie big divide out
That's hard right thereThat's hard right there
That's hard right there

That's hard right there
Keed Slime say he's proud of me
So I'ma keep goin'
Throw my problems off the balcony
And went got some coins
In the streets like I'm Willie B
They already knowin'
You cannot cap to me
When I ask them, they know it (It's crazy, but it's true)
Yeah yeah, yeah yeah
She fucked up my racks
It keep her goin' in, nigga I'm goin' in
My drip enticing, they keep on callin'
Give it to 'em Hood Baby, they- no paparazzi
I can't be standin'
They bringin' no drama, they random
Too many damn racks for these pants, fool
Too many blocks we done slid through
Too many packs we done ran through
Hold 'em for ransom
These diamonds, they prancin'
Whole lot of fuckin' dancers
What is a Hood Baby?
Spend a day with me in the hood, baby

Go get me some bread, can't talk to the feds
So I'ma just get me some more
I beat down the block, I beat down the trap
The J's knockin' at the door
Lil Johnny he with me, you know that he creepin'
My brother bangin' tiny loc
You heard what I said, got snakes on my leg
These niggas know I'm the GOAT
Rockstar, yeah, lifestyle
Beat her back out, Pacquiao
Out of state, we pack 'em out
Rollie big divide out
That's hard right there
That's hard right there
That's hard right there

I-75, Nascar
Mini-coupe, fast car
Dissect your body like a mass core
Opp niggas, we harass 'em
He a sad buddy
Hood Baby bring out all hundreds
Yeah that's cash, honey
Her ex nigga can't match nothin'
That's a bar, break the charts, buy a foreign
Black gun, Akon, yeah yeah, Lil Jon
Kickin' my feet up
I squid for no reason
All blues, Four Seasons
Do one at Four Seasons
48, Four Seasons
That's the top floor on the tower
Fuck her good, have her own money shower
I'm on they neck, can't let up on these cowards
I'm a soldier
I already broke ya
When you get up, they gon' quote ya
Send the Hood Baby, come and hold ya

Go get me some bread, can't talk to the feds
So I'ma just get me some more
I beat down the block, I beat down the trap
The J's knockin' at the door
Lil Johnny he with me, you know that he creepin'
My brother bangin' tiny loc
You heard what I said, got snakes on my leg
These niggas know I'm the GOAT
Rockstar, yeah, lifestyle
Beat her back out, Pacquiao
Out of state, we pack 'em out
Rollie big divide out
That's hard right there
That's hard right there
That's hard right there

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