Lil Gotit

Songtext Christmas Lil Gotit


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Let's go

Comin' through with green and red beams like it's Christmas
Make they life a living hell, nigga, like I'm doing rituals
She toot that ass up, I hit it from the back and get in her dentals (Let's go)
And I'm with a couple top shottas, crazy, yeah they mental
He a walkin' lick, go'n shake him down
No hand-outs, I need all of mine
Like Legos, we gon' break 'em down
This slime gon' goose like R.L. Stine
Real Hood Baby drip, can't iron mine
I speak right up, ain't hidin' nothin'
Go'n look it right up, it's crunch time
These bitches tryna blindside
I'ma pass 'em right off like Matt Ryan

Let's go right up, go take a lil' trip Dubai (Let's go right up)
Come fill my cup, lil' bitch, I'm tryna raise my high (Come fill my cup)
Pigeon lil' toed, lil' ho, she got some ass and thighs
I hopped out of a boat with a coat, it cost a couple thousand (No cap)
Put a bank on you and your crew (Bitch)
Hood Baby shootin' shit like movies (Brr)
Guarantee you gonna make the news (Guarantee)Too much drip, I got juice (Too much)
Gotta win, I cannot lose (Gotta win)
Cut the top off, that's no roof (Cut the top off)
What you talkin' 'bout? Go'n hit snooze (Ain't nothin')
Spread the money out, now you got a flu (Spread the money out)
Let my chopper blow shit like a flute (Brr)
Man the hitters y'all with, y'all boo (Let's go)
I'm gettin' bands now, what about you? (Rack-rack-racks)
I'm the man, not worried 'bout you (Ain't worried 'bout you)
They say I got a big head like Caillou (They say I got a big head)
Keed havin' sticks in the back, bamboo (Brr)
And I got power like I was Goku
Don't be with your nut, let light choose you (Lil' boy)

Comin' through with green and red beams like it's Christmas
Make they life a living hell, nigga, like I'm doing rituals
She toot that ass up, I hit it from the back and get in her dentals (Let's go)
And I'm with a couple top shottas, crazy, yeah they mental
He a walkin' lick, go'n shake him down
No hand-outs, I need all of mine
Like Legos, we gon' break 'em down
This slime gon' goose like R.L. Stine
Real Hood Baby drip, can't iron mine
I speak right up, ain't hidin' nothin'
Go'n look it right up, it's crunch time
These bitches tryna blindside
I'ma pass 'em right off like Matt Ryan

I was just broke, it's a comeback (That's a come-up)
And I'm havin' racks, no knapsack (Bundles)
Been gettin' so high, no sleep yet (No cap)
These little bitty boys some rejects (Let's go)
Gonna fly your ho with in my region (Fly her right here)
Gunna snake, yeah, he my reason (No cap)
Havin' chips, my pockets they cheesy (Cheesy)
You askin' for somethin', you need me (Lil' boy)
I'm a dog, lil' bitch, I'm breedy (Big dog)
So if trap roll up, nigga, we breaching (Big trap)
Gotit drip drip drop, I'm leaking (Drip drip)
I know the real gon' feel me (The real ones do)
And I'm tryna work me a milli' (Let's go)
They already know I'm gettin' it (They know)
Got hoes on hoes, it's plenty (On hoes)
It's four on four mixed womens (I'm pimpin')
Lil Gotit the name they mention (Hood Baby)
Can't talk 'til I reach the ceiling (Can't talk)
Can't vibe, I don't need no feelings (No vibes)
But I can give your ass a feeling (For real)
You got too much cap, I'm peeling (Too much)
No explanation, I'm building (No explanation)
They cannot clone a real one (No cap)
Gotit let they ass know I'm on they red

Comin' through with green and red beams like it's Christmas
Make they life a living hell, nigga, like I'm doing rituals
She toot that ass up, I hit it from the back and get in her dentals (Let's go)
And I'm with a couple top shottas, crazy, yeah they mental
He a walkin' lick, go'n shake him down
No hand-outs, I need all of mine
Like Legos, we gon' break 'em down
This slime gon' goose like R.L. Stine
Real Hood Baby drip, can't iron mine
I speak right up, ain't hidin' nothin'
Go'n look it right up, it's crunch time
These bitches tryna blindside
I'ma pass 'em right off like Matt Ryan

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