Hilltop Hoods

Songtext Good for nothing Hilltop Hoods


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Good for nothing

I'm no good; yes I'm no good,
Let me tell you no good, girl I'm no good,
I'm no good for nothing

[Verse 1:]
Problematic child from a god abandoned isle,
Where Hip Hop is like a convict on a standing trial,
Dropping havoc I'll rock the planet wild,
Till they shoot me in a movie Hong Kong combatant style,
Plastic rapping and disposable culture,
Poet or solider, falter and get thrown to the vultures,
We wear our scars like a badge of honour sewn in the shoulder,
Cross the unknown, rock alone like the coast of Gibraltar,
Looking over my shoulder, radio and payola,
Keep us alien on air like being flown by Travolta,
Flow with a vocal assault of the microphone and controller,
Harder to handle than a loaded revolver coated with sulphur,
You in a house made of glass throwing a boulder,
But never see the light of day car like car motors on solar,
Going for broke don't mean you're going broke for the culture,
We'd hang ourselves given rope and pergola

I'm no good; yes I'm no good,
Let me tell you no good, girl I'm no good,
I'm no good for nothing,
And I might be no good but when I seize the mic,
I can spit it like, like,
I'm no good; yes I'm no good,
Let me tell you no good, girl I'm no good,
I'm no good for nothing,
And I might be no good but when I seize the mic,
I can spit it like, like,

[Verse 2: Suffa]
Beast of burden, carry the weight,
I got divorced from reality to marry the break,
In a bally and cape, I get carried away,
Like a cadaver on a battlefield, make barriers break,
Man my chariot waits; I can't stay for the gala,
Music is dead, fames alive Lady Gaga,
They complain about the drama go,
Play the martyr role better than Mohammed Atta,
Suffa, grimy as Calcutta,
Beat you single-handed like Def Leppard's drummer,
I'm about to blow like meth on the cooker,
Leaving me with mic's like leaving pets with the butcher,
Don't put a foot wrong, think for a good long minute,
Shut your mouth, put a foot-long in it,
You're dealing with one of the best to bust so,
Tyler Durden, don't beat yourself up bro

I'm no good; yes I'm no good,
Let me tell you no good, girl I'm no good,
I'm no good for nothing,
And I might be no good but when I seize the mic,
I can spit it like, like,
I'm no good; yes I'm no good,
Let me tell you no good, girl I'm no good,
I'm no good for nothing,
And I might be no good but when I seize the mic,
I can spit it like, like

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The Hilltop Hoods are an ARIA Award winning Australian hip hop group originating from Adelaide, South Australia. Their members are MCs Suffa (Matt Lambert) MC Pressure (Daniel Smith) DJ Debris (Barry Francis) and formerly DJ Next. They have been at the centre of the Australian hip hop scene for the better part of two decades, originally forming back in 1991 and releasing their first EP in 1997. Since then they have released 5 studio albums, 2 DVDs and a "restrung" version of their 2006 album The Hard Road. They released their fifth studio album, State of the Art on June 12, 2009. Their song Chase That Feeling came no. 3 in the Triple J Hottest 100 2009.

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