Hilltop Hoods

Songtext Drinking from the sun Hilltop Hoods


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Drinking from the sun

I lay down my music ten feet from where I lay down
Immersed in them beats, short breaks turned to breakdowns
?Cause when you work where you sleep, you don't sleep
?Cause you work on them beats till it hurts then you creep
Into bed and wake her from her sleep, and she's hurt
?Cause she worked through the week and hasn't heard not a word nor a peep
From the jerk that she keeps in her heart
That she forgives when he nurse her to sleep, word it's deep
Yo, when I peel them lids back and emerge from my sleep
I feel so big that I could make a shirt from my sheet
A crown from a church steeple, two jeeps for my sneaks
So people worship this creep as I surf down the street
I'm the surgeon of beats, your girl purrs when I speak
We rehearse in a church to a circus of freaks
We the last ones to lay down, first on our feet
So stay down or get hurt by what lurks in the deep
Free the perps from the police, we disturbing the peace
We flood the streets like a water main burst and released
A merciless beast with a thirst for the feast
Man we treat every meal like it's our first in a week
We dispersing the weak, I'm the person to beat
Man I'm unbeatable; I can beat a person for weeks
We disturbed, we the freaks, we the ones you don't listen to
Drinking from the sun, now son we're the ones dissing you

And we don't (ever stop), we won't (let it drop)
We don't (ever stop), and we won't (insult ya)
Let the vultures at the counter-culture
Now we don't (ever stop), and we won't (ever run)
We move mountains and drink from the sun

We're timeless like riders on the storm
Survivors like the light that rises in the dawn
If crisis makes fighters of the pawns
We rise up through the night as lifeless and we're born
Fight in my heart, suicide with my art
Till I depart I'm a write until I light up the dark
These are battle songs that lift you from your catatonic fixture
And I can walk on water but I stagger on the liquor
This ain't a Saturday sport or matinee talk
With throw away sentences like the magistrates' court
Scratch that, now hear me out, attacks don't give me doubt
I drop a powerhouse track black the city out
And when we lose it let the mood of music reach us
Coming through the tunes that free us, revolution through your speakers
The third rock never stops the world turns
Eyes glued to the clock as we watch the world burn

And we don't (ever stop), we won't (let it drop)
We don't (ever stop), and we won't (insult ya)
Let the vultures at the counter-culture
Now we don't (ever stop), and we won't (ever run)
We move mountains and drink from the sun

Renegades whenever on centre stage
That's my sweat upon the letters I bled on the pen and page
C'mon, so what's your rhyming worth? Better get a lawyer ?cause
I could crucify your verse just to get a point across
We've been refining and grinding till late night
Why? ?Cause even stars lose their shine in the day light
Linked as one just think what we'll become
It's begun and won't stop till we're drinking from the sun

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The Hilltop Hoods are an ARIA Award winning Australian hip hop group originating from Adelaide, South Australia. Their members are MCs Suffa (Matt Lambert) MC Pressure (Daniel Smith) DJ Debris (Barry Francis) and formerly DJ Next. They have been at the centre of the Australian hip hop scene for the better part of two decades, originally forming back in 1991 and releasing their first EP in 1997. Since then they have released 5 studio albums, 2 DVDs and a "restrung" version of their 2006 album The Hard Road. They released their fifth studio album, State of the Art on June 12, 2009. Their song Chase That Feeling came no. 3 in the Triple J Hottest 100 2009.

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