Joe Budden

Songtext Good enough Joe Budden


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Good enough

Nothings ever good enough
Hollywood, think he too good for us
Niggas emo, he ain't in the hood enough
How bout hes just misunderstood to us
Vision is fine, I can still hear
So I pop one more till everything is unclear
Cause... nothings ever good enough
I'm just looking for something... good enough

[Verse 1:]
Wonder where his mind is
If everyones depression is wrong, then maybe mine is
Jurys out, but the verdicts in
Case ain't been heard, so how they murdering him
I appear to be arrogant, that's what they instilled in me
Took it as a weakness when I showed them humility
Insensitive, don't waste time tryin to tell me what
Emotions is, I'm emotionless
I can't explain it, it comes from home
Make me uncomfortable and you gonna put me in a comfort zone
Double as me, feel what I feel and know hes strugglin
Be trying to get depression and suffer from me
When your heads cluttered with noise you get lost
Am I isolated by choice or by force?
Listen, the fuck y'all expect from me
Already givin y'all the best in me, but it seem like...

Nothings ever good enough
Hollywood, think he too good for us
Niggas emo, he ain't in the hood enough
How bout hes just misunderstood to us
Vision is fine, I can still hear
So I pop one more till everything is unclear
Cause... just one wasn't good enough
Crushin it in rum wasn't good enough
The baddest girl wouldn't be good enough
All the cash in the world ain't good enough
{Why? }... cause you can go your hardest for your fans
But like you they only human so they may not understand that
I used always try to be good enough
Couldn't figure out why I wasn't good enough
So instead of being good enough
I just wanna be better than good enough

[Verse 2:]
The fluck is going on around here?
Contriving and conforming is the norm around here
It's tension, speak up and violence gets mentioned
In a world where everybody gets by off silenced opinions
And so I cut the red tape and the politics
Know it's there, I'm just the only nigga to acknowledge it
Learn from the acts that came before ya and retain the lawyer
They told me once you get the fame, you get the paranoia
They say that he a has-been, irrevelant
But every word I say, niggas get hella bent
Tell you why I'm off of the charts or on the bottom of your bracket
I rap thru the heart and some niggas lack it
So I get why I'm greeted with spite, got nerve being the truth
Life's fine with them believing a lie
Even I no longer know what to expect from me
But y'all have yet to see the best in me, still it seem like...

Nothings ever good enough
Hollywood, think he too good for us
Niggas emo, he ain't in the hood enough
How bout hes just misunderstood to us
Vision is fine, I can still hear
So I pop one more till everything is unclear
Cause... just one wasn't good enough
Crushin it in rum wasn't good enough
The baddest girl wouldn't be good enough
All the cash in the world ain't good enough
But you can go your hardest for your fans
But like you they only human so they may not understand that
I used always try to be good enough
I couldn't figure out why I wasn't good enough
So instead of being good enough
I just wanna be better than good enough

[Verse 3:]
Check it, I want it all that's why I strive for it
Diss me and you normally hear a reply for it
But I'm starting my maturation and ignore em
Let em continue their masturbation
Say my actions don't match what I'm spittin
So I tell em mind they business and let me stray
They say that you becoming a walking contradiction
I tell em people change everyday
I tell em I been making my own decisions since a teen
Tell me who the fuck is y'all to intervene, here's a lesson
I'm good enough for me, a nigga seem to be perfection
Fifty grand, v.I.p., queens and perfection
Far from a beginner, nigga ain't a white belt
Cry me a river, and I'll turn into mike phelps
I'm just giving y'all the best in me
And y'all just turn that into stress for me and so it seem like...

Nothings ever good enough
Hollywood, think he too good for us
Niggas emo, he ain't in the hood enough
How bout hes just misunderstood to us
Vision is fine, I can still hear
So I pop one more till everything is unclear
Cause... just one wasn't good enough
Crushin it in rum wasn't good enough
The baddest girl wouldn't be good enough
All the cash in the world ain't good enough
Cause you can go your hardest for your fans
But like you they only human so they may not understand that
I used always try to be good enough
I couldn't figure out why I wasn't good enough
So instead of being good enough
I just wanna be better than good enough

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