Joe Budden

Songtext Clothes on a mannequin Joe Budden


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Clothes on a mannequin

Good Evening
[clears throat]
Ladies and gentlemen
I'd like to welcome everybody
Please take your seats
Please be seated
We have a great show lined up for everybody tonight
Special guest in the house tonight
Joe Budden, J.Garden

A wise man said we all wear a mask
At times keepin it on is too much of a task
Your face on the net, and your life's on blast
It might slip off, you gotta give me a pass
Sometimes I feel like a mannequin
But how they dress me don't make me the man I am
Not a rose dont hamper him
They just lookin' at the clothes on a mannequin

[Verse 1]
Look, look, look
I want the best cars and the best flow
I want the best broads thats how that go
I mean I want to be a star and collect dough
But even if I had it all it'd be just for show
I want the diamonds to make my neck glow (Yeah)
Lust for the next hoe a love will never let go (Talk to 'em!)
I want to run along from my shortcomings (BUT!)
But I smoke so my breath gonna be short running (OHH!)
I want to be in control, hands on
If I'm the pilot then we will never land wrong (NEVER!)
But I want to have faith, staying strong
Take the first step when I ain't got a leg to stand on
I got a lot to give but I want more
With numb thoughts, positive but i'm unsure
On the misplace, getaway and its disarray
And yall don't know the man just what he put on display (OHH!)


[Verse 2]
I'm too annoyed to cope, tryna make a livin
Given I dont think that being a dope boy is dope
Out of every story, only 2 end in glory
Who am I to think I'm different than every hustler before me?
If I took my anger, became a gangbanger
I would aim to aim my anger at every stranger
Shawty wanna leave, honestly I can't blame her
Say the ones you love the most are always in the most danger
I talk a little slower so you have to hear
Dead man walkin, no tatted tears
Or realest to ever do it, cavalier
Hundred thousand dollar car, with rabbit ears
I don't welcome change even if it help 'em gain
Fuck a handout, I'd rather be self contained
L.V everything, lookin' well arranged
Y'all would never know that I'm practicing self restrain


[Verse 3]
I been different, never mind I'm just indifferent
Ain't an old timer that would blame it on a skin pigment
Is it my imagination or a slim figment?
Or is gent ignant, probably why im indignant
Look at haters like 'why is it an issue?'
Is it because I'm sober but I'm on a high they can't get to?
God ?? fightin with his pride and his pitbull
God I was lied as it get to
Cursin' God out "why he decide to pick dude?"
I big bulls but when I try its abyssmal
Die and keepin everythin inside me a riddle
But they blinded by the condo size and it's sick view
Whys, try and answer the whys
What good is havin eyes when everything you look at you despise? (can anybody hear me?)
Or do you need ears when you dont believe anything you hear?
Maybe it's just something in the air


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