Jermaine Dupri

Songtext Fresh Jermaine Dupri


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[Slick Rick]
Yeah, you know what I'm sayin'
Y'all niggas been poppin' an awful lot of shit for a while now
Talking all that shit
Like y'all motherfuckers got so much motherfuckin' personality and shit (yeah)
All of y'all poppin' all that fly shit, tryin' to dis niggas and all that
bullshit, know what I'm sayin? (yeah)
But you know deep down i your motherfuckin' hearts, y'all niggas is BOOOMBS
compared to this nigga named Slick Rick
You know that shit, you been knew that shit (yeah)
Y'all motherfuckers been knew that motherfucker might come back and kick ya'll
motherfuckin' ass (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
[Slick Rick]
Ladies and gents, let the teacher start
I am the greatest rapper, walk, talk, eat, shit, fart
You motherfuckers can't see me
Even with a patch on my eye, I'm dreamy
All in the grill of the gruesome
1, 2, 3, 7 diamonds on the twosome
Schedule, I aim to be in Atlanta with the legendary Jermaine Dupri
Uh huh, I'm more delicious than shit outta cook books
See I'll even make Salvation Army clothes look good (you know)
That divine, so fine, don't even wear the same underwear 2 times
JD, not the one to fuck around with
Heard ya got the whole entire state locked down, kid
That's right so don't ask us who the best
From the north to the south to the east to the west
Fresh, dressed like a million bucks
Still worn the Bally shoes and the fly green socks
We're fresh, dressed like a million bucks
Still worn the Bally sodadadadada socks
Come on, kids, Jermaine Dupri a wiz
Walkin' down the street, you kow mindin' my own biz
My man girlfriend started actin' like she hoein'
Hey JD, where your fine ass going?
To the studio, I told her frontin'
Unless you wanna take it in the cooler or sumpin'
[SR] For real and that shit ain't a fact?
She said that she would meet me at my house around 10
Not to mention, a nice tender body
10 o'clock, here came the red beau hotty
My man girl told totally deceptive
Still I try to fuck the full out the bitch rectum
See, the woman so shady
Talkin' bout actin' like she upped and offed JD
Now she wanna kiss and caress cause i left a couple of bite marks on the hun's
breasts I'm...
[Chorus 2x]
When the doubt falls, my door they knock up on
Designers even ask me what they need to stock up on
Why the fuck did ya like to done pest us
When the tag team ya hearin' is untouchable, peasant?
Slick, Jermaine Dupri back as the fat trackers
We'll diarrhea up on your black ass
Babies jump out the carriage
Could even fix the Hillary and Clinton marriage
Charisma now felt
To the point where even I could make even lesbians melt
Models bookin' at me
Could even make her grandmother catch an orgasm lookin' at me (you know)
It's kinda outlandish, rastas even say
What kind fine young man dis
So don't put me to the test
From the north, from the south to the east to the west
[Chrous til end]

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