Jermaine Dupri

Songtext Don't hate on me Jermaine Dupri


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Don't hate on me

[da brat talking]

Nigga, dont you hate on me, why dont you go and get you some?
Dont you hate on me, why dont you go and get you some? 4x

[krayzie bone]
Motherfucker, go get you some
Get off my dick, bitch, get out my mix and tell me where the real niggas at
Put your blunts in the air, yall nigga get fried to this
To the ? ? ? to mother, tell me who the thuggest in this motherfucker
What you niggas really wanna do? big ballers flossin
Niggas wanna beat so they got to be talkin
Oh let me give them what they say and run em in they face
What they say? oh nothin
Buster, hitem in they shit anyway (hey)
Thats how we play, stil thuggin aint a thing change
Still the same name, love the face
Real, real niggas, thats all I gotta say
You fuckin with the real, you ball to get gusted
Really, the real aint shit to be fucked wit
Protected by the niner, when you careful
The nigga the trigger finger itchy fixin to make you duck the whloe flock
Make a nigga close shop, sho nuff
Showstopper, fuckin em up with diesel
Whats pumpin the shotgun?
Real neccesary cause all we want is a little respect
Thats all we want but nigga, you dont feel me
Krazyie crazy, maybe insane hangin with jd
Little rip done slip the clip into the gat, rat-tat-tat
Just like that

[da brat]
I aint fixin to be the bitch to procastinatin
Niggas wanna be shippin me half a cake
Go through whatever drastic measures I hafta take
Make a motherfucker masterbate, the hotter I get the more hate
Some of you hoes is overrated with flows
The salvatell takeem to the rehab and getem re-instated
My lyrical content send other bitches to convents
Pray for me to be deleted but thats nonsense
Been the bomb since 74 aries
I can see how ya nigga be lookin at me
He want to get in between the sheets
Leave the wallet and the keys for me
I aint persuaded easily but if he spend the cheese for me
Nigga, we can fuck free frequently
You study me, but another me could never be sold
Broke the most 6-0-6-4-4
When niggasll haul off and hit ya with the sawed off
Seen plenty motherfuckers fall off with they jaws off
When Im finished droppin em al off on the west side of chi, Im ridin high
Thinkin of way to make it through the major of the paper chase
Slidin by, keep a luger in the chamber ready for danger when its time to die


See everywhere I go, I feel like niggas be tryin to get me stuffed
Im flyin on out of what? iced up and all the hoes wanna fuck
Knockin bitches and that nigga got cake stacked up, packed up
Everything I touch, gold and platinum, what?
Niggas cant fuck with us
Like busta bust, we dangerous
And you know that if I peel I got mo
Yall peel, its gone, thats why the ice grill on
When the wheel on by yall niggas in the corner
Back and forth, like fuck that little guy
Dont worry bout me, you need to worry bout yo goddamn self
How you shit on shelf and how you sit around
Wishin that a nigga would sign to so so def
Im a a-t-l-a-n-t-alien
Never been known to play with
Cant none of yall see me, so yall niggas dont really need to say shit
With all your paper-hatin, paper-hatin and your bad looks
What yall need to do is shut up
And take heed to what my nigga sayin in the hook

[chorus til end]

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