Public Enemy

Songtext Fassfood Public Enemy


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[Flavor Flav]
In the bronx we got to go to cuchi frito
Rice and beans penim and some coquito

[Chuck D]
I eat she eat
She eat he eat
Lookout I spit
On the heat
Of these beats
So we speak
Corporate suits
Company seats
Fooled like fast food
Like artificial beef
Yall know I got
I got no beef
Listen to the words of this song
Between my teeth
Wiki leaks
Y'all know I can't sit calm
Yo sha mello where's vietnam
Atomic bomb

I eat you eat
You eat I eat
But dude don't get fooled
By this fassfood

[Flavor Flav]
Don't mean to be rude dude
But thats what they call fassfood
This sht is for real
This ain't no fkn interlude

[Chuck D]
I eat she eat
She eat he eat
Lookout I spit
On the heat
Of these beats
You talk about switching
Attitude for this bitchin
The fassfood in this kitchen
Fast forward
Songs meant yo send you to prison
Increased market position
Short bids to influence a million kids
Headed in
States gettin it in
Lethal murder injection
In the young black produce section
What it all mean?

[Flavor Flav]
From mickey ds to fratista freeze
I'm barbequing birds and I'm eatin the bees
I'm back on track with the restaurant
House of flavor in vegas
Yo, what you want?
I got chicken for ya
Mac and cheese
Collard greens that will knock you
Down to your knees
Don't mean to be rude dude
But thats what they call fassfood
This sht is for real
This ain't no fkn interlude

[Flavor Flav]
Disrespect collect a broken neck
Disrespect collect a broken neck
Disrespect collect a broken neck
Its your funeral you wont get to spend your check

[Chuck D]
Rock some instrumental
Lawyers laughing at us over
A lunch bowl of lentils
They ain't gentle
Punishment is mental
Not coincidental
Charged by a large incidental
Non accidental

I eat she eat
She eat he eat
Lookout I spit
On the heat
Of these beats
You talk about switching
Attitude for this bitchin
The fassfood
In this kitchen
Fast forward

I eat she eat
She eat he eat
Lookout I spit
On the heat
Of these beats
You talk about switching
Attitude for this bitchin
The fassfood
In this kitchen
Fast forward

[Flavor Flav]
He went to the bathroom
Didn't even wash his hands
Hes fixing my food dude
That ain't part of the plan
Put the gloves on son
What is you doin?

[Chuck D]
Rock some instrumental
Lawyers laughing at us over
A lunch bowl of lentils
Cause you know they ain't gentle
Punishment is mental
Not coincidental

[Flavor Flav]
Not minding your mf business
Now look what happened to you

[Chuck D]
Dude getting this fassfood
Offa my dental

I eat she eat
She eat he eat
Lookout I spit
On the heat
Of these beats
You talk about switching
Attitude for this bitchin
In this kitchen
Fast forward

[Flavor Flav]
So watch what you eat
Cause you're in the street
Fassfood fassfood
Can knock you off your feet

So watch what you eat
Cause you're in the street
Fassfood fassfood
Can knock you off your feet

[Chuck D]
I eat she eat
She eat he eat
Lookout I spit
On the heat
Of these beats
So we speak
Corporate suits
Company seats
But dude don't get fooled
By this fassfood

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Public Enemy were arguably the first political rap group and one of the most influential hip-hop groups ever. Carrying on the baton from "message-music" soul singers of the 70s like Curtis Mayfield and Gil Scott Heron, Public Enemy rapped ferociously in support of African-Americans and criticised the institutional racism that white America didn't see. Like the Beastie Boys, they had a confrontational style which took time to appeal to mainstream audiences, but their innovation, intelligence and wit eventually saw them getting their message across to millions of fans worldwide.

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