Public Enemy

Songtext Catch the thrown Public Enemy


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Catch the thrown

(feat. Large Professor & Cormega)

What you reap is what you sow
And what you keep is what you owe
And what the people want to know
Is whose gonna catch the thrown?

And what you got is what they want
And what they see they say they need
And people bleeding from the greed
Now whose gonna catch the thrown?

[Chuck D]
Thrown at
Thrown under
Thrown to the side
Throwin up disgusted
So were throwin down
Thrown under the bus draggin on the
Power to the people salute the underground
Against those standing
In mansions
Spittin at us from up that higher ground
Feed the people
Fight the power
Fix the poor
But that 1% done shut the door
In god we trust on money
Is a slap in the face
To the rest of the whole human race
Post racial wealth and taste
Change a name
But you cant change race in the united states
People say they kings
Plus say they're queens
If we all don't eat
What does it all mean?
We watch and listen
But I'll leave it alone
But who's gonna catch the thrown?

What you reap is what you sow
And what you keep is what you owe
And what the people want to know
Is whose gonna catch the thrown?

And what you got is what they want
And what they see they say they need
And people bleeding from the greed
Now whose gonna catch the thrown?

[Chuck D]
Divide and conquer
Oldest trick in the game
War between people who are really the same
As the rich get richer
The poor get bitchin
The people keep kissin
The feds don't listen
This recession seen a black depression
In a nation headed for desperation
No quarterback and sacked on a couch
Sound of black america is ouch
Governments don't love you
When prisons and executions
End up looking like some final solutions
Murder is an institution
Backed up and hacked up
By some handwritten constitution
Do what you do
Buddist christian hindu muslim & hebrew
You are what you do
I be seein human beings as stew
Yet never have so many been screwed by so few
We watch the kings&queens
And what they own
Who's gonna catch the thrown?

The system is designed to incriminate
Genocide was devolved to eliminate
Equality is a myth
They had me in jail for a crime I didn't even commit
A stereotype
They feel every color is inferior right
Brothers who resist are considered a threat
From sitting bull to malcolm x
In the land of the free and suspect elections
John kennedy had the mob connections
President reagan sold guns to iraq
Yet they try to say that criminals are all black
Whats up with these corrupt politicians
And drugs they be shipping
But they never go to prison
This fucked up system better never try to bag me
Fuck zimmerman, guilty

Catch the thrown, you got to testify
Is that the 1% that you need says that you occupy
Catch the thrown I got ta testify
Is that the 1% that yall want says that you occupy

[Chuck D]
Free the mind prisoners
They ain't listening
F the popo
But who dat whistling?
Foes making a killing
Juxtaposed against those getting a livin
Gimme shelter cause these issues be official
Is the need to feed
Replaced by the greed?
I ain't trying to yell at you
Sell to you
Some bs they already told to you
Ended up being sold to you
Did I mention?
Cheapest price is to pay attention
Now the test is just being at your best
With that you can
Hold your own
But who's gonna catch the thrown?

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Public Enemy were arguably the first political rap group and one of the most influential hip-hop groups ever. Carrying on the baton from "message-music" soul singers of the 70s like Curtis Mayfield and Gil Scott Heron, Public Enemy rapped ferociously in support of African-Americans and criticised the institutional racism that white America didn't see. Like the Beastie Boys, they had a confrontational style which took time to appeal to mainstream audiences, but their innovation, intelligence and wit eventually saw them getting their message across to millions of fans worldwide.

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