
Songtext Detox Skepta


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Every day man turn up to the max
Don't know how to relax
Went to the hills tryna kick back
Still I wanna tweet and chat
Woke up this morning, said I quit smoking
Now I just bought me a pack
Cause every day man turn up to the max
Don't know how to relax

Pass me the weed, pass me the drink
Pass me a bill
Got cold feet and I can't sit still
Do what I want cause I got no chill
Yeah, you know the deal cuh man are true raver
I've been on more waves than a sailor
Man a turn up all over the radar
They know about Short Man in Jamaica
Care about now, don't care about later
But that's just the way that I live
Anywhere that I go, man are blazing a spliff
Bouncers are like "man are taking the piss"
Ace Hotel, know what it is
Turning down is a myth
Call me the turn up king
There's not a place that I won't turn up in

14 when I started smoking bud
Ever since way back then
See that buzz? Yeah, man are tryna get that again
I broke my turn down button so man can't press that again
Brand new tracksuit looking all jet black again
Said I quit smoking
But I'm in the Ace Hotel with the jetpack again
I remember when Wiley told me to jump on mic
And I got stage fright
Never thought I could jump on right
Thought I would jump on light
Now I'm like an air hostess how I jump on the flight
Sky scanner, I rocket on sight
Never stay in the same place for too long
You wanna find me? Start looking online

Every day man turn up to the max
Don't know how to relax
Went to the hills tryna kick back
Still I wanna tweet and chat
Woke up this morning, said I quit smoking
Now I just bought me a pack
Cause every day man turn up to the max
Don't know how to relax

I go so hard
Mum told me I should take it easy
Sorry, mum, I am a grime star
And you know my ting stay off the heezy
Please believe me, respect the turn up
Boy Better Know any time we turn up
It's mad, empty bottles of Hennessy
Still I'm on point, slap two at my enemy
This year, I tried to turn down couple time
Fam, who am I kidding?
Told my girl I'm a stop smoking
With a zoot in my hand, just ready to bill it
When I'm riding the riddim, no time for the -isms
I'm high in the sky like a pigeon
See them man there? Them man are some them man there's
They can see but they got no vision

When we turn up, them man can't turn up
Too much Henney in my cup
Bottle down to the halfway level, not above
Look, now manaman's ready for the club
Them man can't ride the wave I surf
I drink out the bottle, I'm tryna get burse
Drink out the bottle like a baby [?]
15 shots, I'm tryna get murked
Man's on a wave, Dagenham Dave
Man violate, get a punch in your face
Boy Better Know my niggas, we set pace
Man turn up every night and day
Sometimes gotta mix the work with the play
My niggas don't mix the weed and yay
My niggas smoke on the loudest packs
Them man smoke farmer yardie hay

Every day man turn up to the max
Don't know how to relax
Went to the hills tryna kick back
Still I wanna tweet and chat
Woke up this morning, said I quit smoking
Now I just bought me a pack

Boy Better Know, free Solo 45
Tracksuit Mafia, active boys, baow, baow

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Skepta is a performer. Their discography includes Rinse: 04, Greatest Hits, Microphone Champion, Stupid EP and Duppy.

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